Tag: Najm Series

Chapter Najm – Part 18
The teachings of the Quran do not go in a linear sequence, rather they are scattered from one event to another, from life to the hereafter, from the obstinate people (an attitude/behavior that does not want to submit to the truth) to the believer who will be rewarded (people who are conscious of their Creator). […]

Chapter Najm – Part 17
Recap: We think that we are winning our bread/lives here, rather it is the Creator of the universe that is providing us everything. We are just using the means given to us hoping for our livelihood. Depending on how we use our free will, accordingly the Creator of the universe judges about what we deserve […]

Chapter Najm – Part 16
53:46 “from seminal fluid when it is emitted.” By creating opposites in the universe which may seem contradictory, the Creator of the universe demonstrates how opposites complement each other. An obvious example is that of the female/male species when they come together and unite in such a way that a perfect result is created by […]

Chapter Najm – Part 15
Understanding verses from the Quran within its historical times is not the sole purpose of scriptures. It may help derive some lessons, but it does not really act as a guidance for anyone in terms of being given existence now within one’s practical life conditions. Same goes with studying deep sentence structure (grammar and root […]

Chapter Najm – Part 14
Recap: The reward for your endeavors will be rightly received. We cannot have more than what we strive for. Also, what we strive for will be recompensed accordingly, nothing will be neglected (positive/negative.) These kinds of verses are translated in terms of an after-life and accordingly we will be rewarded. We don’t deny that there […]

Chapter Najm – Part 13
Recap: If there were no Prophets, then there will be no responsibility to fulfill the requirements of our human senses. It means that I would not know how to have a relationship with the Creator who, by definition is not of the nature of this universe (Absolute). If it were not for the Prophets, I […]

Chapter Najm – Part 12
53:33 “Have you considered him who turns away” Turning away from what? Turning away from what is reality and turning away from guidance and acknowledge their Creator. I am reading my own story and I need to read it in the present tense for guidance. Quran speaks without time limitations because it is from the […]

Chapter Najm – Part 11
53:31 “And to God belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth.” This is a message for me i.e. whatever I see, I must question: “how do they come into existence?” It is an invitation for me to find out if I can find the Source of Existence of anything here. Go and […]

Chapter Najm – Part 10
How can I benefit from revelation? How should I understand this universe? What are my responsibilities? Do I feel any responsibility towards my existence? Why am I here in this universe and what should I do? I utilize my freewill for either: I just happened to be as I am, I do not need to […]

Chapter Najm – Part 9
53:26 “There are many angels in the heavens whose intercession does not avail at all except after God has given permission to whom He pleases and chooses.” Man in Arabic= used for conscious beings Maa in Arabic= used for unconscious beings Why does it mention “heaven?” Things are not what they seem to be. There […]