Tag: Layl Series

Chapter Lay’l – Part 9
92:19 “and does not expect any reward from anyone.” Analogy: When a student enrolls at a school, s/he does that for his/her own benefit. That is, the desire to learn is innate within all human beings. The student does not study to make his/her Professor happy. The student wants to learn to be content for […]

Chapter Lay’l – Part 8
92:17 “But he who is conscious of God shall be kept away from it.” The One who is in awareness that his/her existence belongs to an Absolute Source shall not feel the pain of meaninglessness. In other words, when you realize that your existence is given to you and someone is taking you on a […]

Chapter Lay’l – Part 7
92:15 “None should be cast to it but the most wretched,” Quran does not accuse the human beings because the way we are created is pure and perfect. There is no defect in our creation. If I keep my nature unspoiled, I will never make a mistake. If I let the outside influence (which is […]

Chapter Lay’l – Part 6
What is the blazing fire?92:14 “So I warn you of the blazing fire.” Contradicting my human nature which is going against the guidance from my Creator. Then I will feel fire emotionally within myself, although apparently, I may pretend to be smiling. That is, the inside knows what is going on. Comment: Believing in annihilation […]

Chapter Lay’l – Part 5
92:12 “Surely, it is for Us to provide guidance.” Our Creator provides guidance in many ways. What are we asking for when we pray “guide us to the straight path?” Comment: The need to be guided i.e. acknowledging that I need to be somewhere where I am struggling to get at. Comment: Things are dynamic […]

Chapter Lay’l – Part 4
92:8 “But as for him who is niggardly and thinks that he is self-sufficient.” We usually think of niggard as someone who is not generous or someone who is a penny pincher. Even if one was to have this attitude, in this attitude lays a sense of ownership. Being niggard implies that I am the […]

Chapter Lay’l – Part 3
92:6 “and testifies to the truth of the ultimate good.” Testifies refers to confirm or accepting the truth. What is good? In other words, what is meaningful here? Comment: I like banana because it is prepared for me and the love for the banana goes to its Source. Comment: The ultimate good is the desired […]

Chapter Lay’l – Part 2
Pre-halaqa: Do I own my feelings or someone has given those to me to acknowledge It? I have to train myself to strive to be in acknowledgment of this reality. When I am rich, I am in prostration. When I am poor, I am in prostration. We are training our human sense which needs training […]

Chapter Lay’l – Part 1
This is one of the early verses revealed during the first years of Prophet-hood. These verses draw our attention to observe creation and question its Source of existence. 92:1 “Consider the night as it veils [the earth] in darkness. Some say that time is change. What we observe in creation is the change of season […]