Tag: Ikhlas Series
Chapter Ikhlas – Part 3
112:4 “and there is nothing that could be compared with Him.” Is there any difference between ahad in the first verse (112:1 “Say, He is God Absolute,”) and the ahad in this verse? Comment: This 4th verse ahad (Absolute) defines what Absolute is which is not of the nature of this universe. We can only […]
Chapter Ikhlas – Part 2
Most words related to the universe would not help us much with defining what the Creator of the universe means for me in His verbal speech to humanity. We have to define God through negation as we cannot invent a word which is not from this universe. When we use this world’s vocabulary in order […]
Chapter Ikhlas – Part 1
Chapter Sincerity (Ikhlas) 22nd revealed chapter (3rd year of revelation) This is a concise chapter, a good foundation to help us understand and establish how to read the Quran as narrated by most companions of the Prophets (PBUH). If I want to be sincere to any idea, then this chapter should help me get the […]