Tag: Hajj Series

Meaning of Hajj – Part 3
There are two ways of understanding Hadith: 1/ A ritual is permissible because the Prophet endorsed it. This way is more geared towards following Islamic jurisprudence (i.e. get rulings which are legitimate). 2/ Getting the actual meaning behind a ritual and making an assessment of how it applies to me here and now. Here are […]

Meaning of Hajj – Part 2
Recap: It is understood that Hajj is performed by those people who have the financial means and/or are physically fit to go. One should also consider their traveling conditions. However, we should not reduce performing Hajj to just fulfilling our religious ritual. The verse man istata’a elaihi sabeelan (3:97) means whoever is able to go […]

Meaning of Hajj – Part 1
Eid-ul-Adha is important because of pilgrimage. What is the condition of going to pilgrimage or who can go for pilgrimage? Common answers we hear are: -Muslims -People who have the financial ability and are in good health. But these are traditional understandings and I actually want to know what pilgrimage means to me. What are […]