Tag: Wisdom Series

What is Wisdom? – Part 9
Continents are divided into countries; countries are divided into states; states are divided into groups. Regardless, what is the motif behind these divisions? It is mostly to get an authoritative status to establish power that satisfies the ego. When you feel powerful, you use it to feel secure within you and for political reasons. The […]

What is Wisdom? – Part 8
Topic: Quranic Wisdom Concerning Social life (What is wisdom? – Part 8) The Twelfth Word: Page 146, Third Principle In general, philosophy (mostly described as secularism, materialist philosophy) does not acknowledge the Creator and the purpose of existence. Philosophy (not the discipline) means human beings trying to understand the meaning of life and existence within […]

What is Wisdom? – Part 7
“…And he who has been given wisdom, has been given great good…” (2):269 The Twelfth Word: page 145, Second Principle: “And human beings are weak and in want…” Do we really feel that we are in need? Yes, but our needs do not apply “only” to when we are ill. We are needy at “every […]

What is Wisdom? – Part 6
Topic: The Principles of the Qur’an concerning human social life? (What is wisdom? – Part 6) The wisdom of the Quran teaches us how to attribute the universe, including our human feelings to an Absolute Source of existence. Human intellect requires further questioning: where do the objects come from, what do they mean to me? […]

What is Wisdom? – Part 5
Recap: The Quran shows direction. In the second principle, the author has been comparing an attitude one may develop as a result of following wisdom from the Quran or from Philosophy. The sincere student of Philosophy is a “pharaoh”. The sincere student of Quranic wisdom is a “servant”: abd or worshiper of God This person […]

What is Wisdom? – Part 4
Second Principle: What is the wisdom of the Quran? A person who does not take the revelation into consideration while communicating with the universe most likely sees this universe as confined to its physical existence only. For such a person, the universe is pretty much a closed circle. Revelation=God’s teachings revealed through the Prophet (pbuh) […]

What is Wisdom? – Part 2
Recap: The Philosopher and the Muslim Scholar share a different worldview. The Philosopher did not touch on the meaning of the book because he did not know how to read the book. The decorated book of the universe is a meaningful book. Although, he did not get the actual meaning from the universe, he was […]

What is Wisdom? – Part 1
“…And he who has been given wisdom has been given great good…”(2):269 What is wisdom? We think that being an expert in subjects related to ethics or humanities is wisdom. Knowledge or information is not wisdom. Quran speaks of wisdom in an ambiguous way. Is wisdom rationality? Is having wisdom related to having insights? When […]