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Chapter Tariq – Part 4
Part 4 Recap- 86:11 “Consider the heavens ever-revolving.” My existence is not static here, rather in continuous motion and change. Example: if I am moving my cup, then I am repositioning it, giving it a new place for it. If someone is moving, then s/he is taking on a new situation in his/her existence. Anything […]

Chapter Tariq – Part 2
Part 2 How does the Quran construct its argument and presents the case to the human mind and feelings? How does the Quran make this connection of my human feelings and what I observe in the universe? More importantly, can we confirm these arguments? What responsibilities remain on me? What should I do with these messages? Everyone […]

Chapter Tariq – Part 1
Part 1 “Tariq” literally means “the one who visits at night”, and usually refers to a star. The earlier revelation covers our state of being i.e., people who are lost in the ignorance of their reality, and the purpose of existence of human life. I may say here we are, and we will enjoy our […]