
O Creator of the Moon!
O Creator of the moon! Illuminate our hearts with the Reality that this beautiful universe points to! O Creator of the moon! Every being here is transient subject to perishing! O Creator of the moon! Transience does not satisfy my human expectations which longs for Eternal Happiness! O Creator of the moon! Nothing of this […]

Does a magnet attract?
Does a Magnet Attract? Dr. Ali Mermer The Qur’an states that celestial bodies remain in their ordained paths, sustained by divine acts of creation. Meanwhile, materialist perspectives attribute this cosmic stability to physical laws of attraction and repulsion. This raises a fundamental question: Which framework better explains the underlying order of the universe? Three perspectives […]

Living Life
Life is like ink and a feather which we use to write something that carries meaning. What is the point of a meaning if it does not permeate my being? Life is like a keyboard which we use to type something that conveys a message. What is the point of a message if it is […]

From Parsley to Cilantro
Have you ever run out of your favorite garnish for your favorite meal? If yes, then you and I have a lot to talk over. So, the other day, I was out of parsley and went to my local store and found the parsley area to be empty. Then, I considered cilantro as a substitute […]

Life is like this
Life is like birds flying in the sky. Life is like a tree standing tall on the ground. Life is like the waves in the ocean. Life is like the moving clouds. Life is like swarm of bees buzzing. Life is like the swing on the play ground. Life is like a person breathing freely. […]

Love is not from Venus. Love is not from Mars. Love does not happen. Love makes us happen. Love cannot be defined. Love cannot be declined. Love is flowing mysteriously in creation. Love is channeling immeasurably in creation. Love illuminates as an art. Love inculcates our heart. Love smells like a garden of bliss. Love […]

Are you a dreamer?!
Do dreams come true? Dreams don’t always come true in this life. How can they anyways? What you dream of is not of the nature of this universe. You dream of a beautiful garden where you are hanging out with flowers and butterflies. Do you want that set up to come to an end? Alas […]

Every event is a blessing because it brings some good news. Sweet or bitter, the event still brings some good news. The event in its entirety is a messenger carrying some beneficial meaning. A meaning which transcends beyond the reality of this creation. Although I may not be the primary recipient of the event (a […]

Clean out those germs
We are always choosing between options, aren’t we? From the moment we wake up, to the clothing we wear, to the breakfast we eat, the games we play and books we read to the next task, all sorts of choices are made. What about the choices towards our personal self, the well-being of our mental […]

Bon Voyage!
Fear of death comes from love of this universe. Thinking that I will lose the world when I die. Is this life even mine to begin with? I claim ownership over wealth, capital that has been bestowed to me which I cannot really explain how? What am I fearing about death then? A complete disappearance, […]