Tag: Fatiha Series

Quran-Universe Parallel Reading: Chapter Fatiha – Part 5
Recap: Depending on my understanding of worship, I can enlarge my capacity of acknowledgment of my Creator to “we”, which includes all created beings. That is from “You alone I worship” to “You alone we worship”. Example: the air molecule is in need to be created as much as I am in need to be […]

Quran-Universe Parallel Reading: Chapter Fatiha – Part 4
“You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help.” Fatiha (1):5 What is worship? Acknowledgment. What am I acknowledging? I have a Lord. Through my experience in the universe I conclude that there must be a Creator. My reality i.e. I am given endless qualities and I am not the one producing them. […]

Quran-Universe Parallel Reading: Chapter Fatiha – Part 3
“Most Gracious, Most Merciful.” Fatiha (1):3 The Lord of the world introduces Itself as the Gracious One and Merciful One. What does “Rahman” and “Raheem” mean for me? What does Mercy remind me of? Existence of creation (snow, rain…) is a sign of Mercy. Existence of order is a sign of Mercy. Existence of the […]

Quran-Universe Parallel Reading: Chapter Fatiha – Part 2
Recap: I, the human being am connected with the universe and the Word of God (Quran) in a harmonious way that I search for the Source of this harmonious quality. The Word of God itself claims to be the verbal speech of the Creator of the universe. In order to confirm this claim, I need […]

Quran-Universe Parallel Reading: Chapter Fatiha – Part 1
Who is the reader of the Quran (and the universe)? I am the reader. Who are you? A human being. What does a human being mean? A conscious being endowed with endless human qualities. Since I am created, I cannot claim that I have the power to create. I exist therefore my Creator exists. If […]