Tag: Creation is Love Series

Creation is Love – Part 10
(Side Topic– Question: How does the pleasure of serving others satisfy my heart? Answer: Getting pleasure from helping others are requirements of my spirit. Since I am being served by my Creator, I am only reflecting the Creator’s quality of service manifested through my being and I say: “My Creator is the One that serves […]

Creation is Love – Part 9
24th Words, 5th Branch (continuation) “All your loves dispersed through the universe are love given to you to spend on His Names and attributes.” There is nothing wrong with loving an object. It seems that the author is drawing our attention to the feeling of love we have towards ourselves and other created beings. Let’s […]

Creation is Love – Part 8
The 24th Word (continuation) “Anyway, your intense love for yourself and your soul is love for the Divine Essence, which you misuse and spend on your own self. The author is now suggesting that the intense love that I have for myself is in fact love for Divine Essence. However, I do not know Divine […]

Creation is Love – Part 7
Pre-halaqa: Do I take a bossy attitude? I need to check myself in terms of how I perceive my being in this world. Do I see myself as a created being? I am the one who is created to acknowledge who the “Real Boss” is, my Owner and Lord. I am the one who is […]

Creation is Love – Part 6
The 24th Word (continuation) “The things his hands cling onto tear at them as they depart, even severing them. He remains in perpetual distress, or else plunges into heedless drunkenness. Since it is thus, my soul, if you have sense, gather together all those loves and give them to their true owner; be saved from […]

Creation is Love – Part 5
The 24th Word (continuation) “Indeed, man loves firstly himself, then his relations, then his nation, then living creatures, then the universe, and the world. He is connected with all these spheres. He may receive pleasures at their pleasure and pain at their pain. However, since nothing is stable in this world of upheavals and revolutions […]

Creation is Love – Part 4
The 24th Word (continuation) “Yes, to fear the Glorious Creator means finding a way to His compassionate mercy, and taking refuge in it. Fear is a whip; it drives you into the embrace of His mercy. It is well-known that a mother gently scares her infant, for example, and draws it to her breast. The […]

Creation is Love – Part 3
The Words: The 24th Word (continuation) Thus, only one possessing infinite perfection may be worthy of an infinite love. O soul and O friend! Two faculties, through which one may experience fear and love, have been included in man’s nature. This love and fear are bound to be turned towards either creatures or Creator. However, […]

Creation is Love – Part 2
Words, Pg. 367, 24TH word, 5th Branch (continuation of the first paragraph)- “…Love is the cause of the universe’s existence, and what binds it; and it is both the light of the universe and its life. Since man is the most comprehensive fruit of the universe, a love that will conquer the universe will have […]

Creation is Love – Part 1
The Words, Pg. 367, 24th Word, 5th Branch “O My self-worshiping soul! O my world-worshiping friend!” From one’s observation of the universe, one can see that everything is made in pairs. One observes night/day, heat/cold, male/female, love/hate…etc. Then there are one’s egotistic tendencies which are opposed to one’s pure spirit. One’s spirit and one’s egotistic tendencies form a pair, […]