Tag: Inshirah Series

Chapter Inshirah – Part 5
Recap: Some verses in the Quran may seem to be disconnected. If the verses were the production of a man, then s/he will know how to fix it. A Scripture by definition is the verbal Speech of the Creator of the universe. Quran provides guidance of the end of a transaction; the in-between is left […]

Chapter Inshirah – Part 4
94:4 “And [have We not] raised you high in dignity?” There is a Muslim scholar who prayed only for the welfare of the non-believing people. One day, one of his study mates asked him/her why s/he doesn’t pray for the believers. S/he simply answered: “I gain more understanding of my reality by seeing the grave […]

Chapter Inshirah – Part 3
The Prophetic message is all about establishing our purpose of living here, what is the point of living in this universe? This message is not only revolutionary to the people back then but also to us right now. How can I explain the purpose of my life? Is life the result of a Conscious Choice? […]

Chapter Inshirah – Part 2
94:2 “And removed your burden from you.” In order to get out of these artificial burdens which takes most of our energy, we need to look into the essential nature of our existence. Think about your life, how much time do you have to consider about your reality in existence (existential needs as a human […]

Chapter Inshirah – Part 1
Short chapter of the Quran includes dense meaning. This the 12th Chronologically revealed chapter during the Meccan period of the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Messengership. Mostly it follows Chapter Duha (Morning Light) which enables us to make the connection such as we are needy, orphan… and we are provided sustenance, hence the need for feeling […]