Chapter Najm – Part 16
53:46 “from seminal fluid when it is emitted.”
By creating opposites in the universe which may seem contradictory, the Creator of the universe demonstrates how opposites complement each other. An obvious example is that of the female/male species when they come together and unite in such a way that a perfect result is created by their Source of Existence.
It is amazing how the system is set up here where the body rejects any foreign object that enters it, but the female body accepts seminal fluid willingly without any contradiction. How can we explain the existence of this perfect arrangement? This must be a deliberate set up by someone. No one can reject this act of creation as given existence by a conscious being.
- How can someone consciously arrange every single event in this universe from the macro to the micro-level and perfectly matches the events to give results? It is impossible for human beings to have an excuse for not being able to explain their existence without relating to a Conscious Will/Being! Example: when you receive a letter in the mail, do you deny that someone deliberately put the letter there? No.
- Any conscious choice requires a conscious will.
- If there is something meaningful in existence, then we say that it is consciously done.
The opposing qualities/characteristics (polarization) that is experienced by us in this universe makes us choose from two options i.e. we can either submit ourselves to the truth or deny the truth. That is, we can choose something good which makes us feel happy or we may choose something wrong which makes us feel unhappy (i.e. we can do something right/wrong.) In other words, we are made in a way where we want to receive something that we like, and we want to reject something that is harmful to us. (“Please give me this, I like it…”).
In our practical lives, we do not want to be needy of anything in this universe such as we do not want to experience poverty, illness, unlearnedness… We can either express our neediness for what we want and what we do not want. We want appreciation and we want forgiveness.
- If we are happy with what we have, then we express our gratitude for it (appreciation). If we commit some wrongful actions, then we feel sorry for it and ask for forgiveness (please forgive me, I shouldn’t have done it, I failed).
- On both sides, we are in need of prayers/expectations/wishes and present our request to the source that can provide what our needs are.
- Acknowledge the One that can give it: “only You can give it to me”. Only human beings are given these senses to realize all this.
If someone does not accept the Creator of the universe as the Provider of our needs, then they may rely on nature or other people to fulfill their needs. It is so simple, when we do something wrong to a friend, we ask forgiveness from the friend and then seek repentance from our friend for what we have done. However, if we do not accept the conscious creator, then, we have to express our feelings to nonconscious nature or matter. How do we feel when we ask for forgiveness from nature or matter? Does it fit our human qualities?
- If someone does not believe in a Creator, then this person still expresses that he feels happy or sad but to nature. In our relationship with our Creator, we must have two ways of communicating with the Creator, when happy and sad.
What is the most essential relationship we should have with something that we communicate with?
- Can we communicate with nature?
- Can we freely express ourselves to our fellow men?
- How can I express my sorrow to a plant if I pluck it in an unjust way?
In our communication with creation, we need to communicate with a Conscious Being. I want someone else who is conscious of me, not a robot or an automated voice message.
- I need a conscious being to communicate with.
- I need to present my need and ask Him to provide that need for me.
- I need to express my sorrows and I need to express my needs to be secure from any harmful things (I do not want this).
Matter itself is not conscious. We need to look for a conscious being to communicate with, either presenting our request/appreciation or presenting our repentance to the conscious Creator of the universe. This is the best way to understand how human beings are equipped with tools/human faculties to communicate with conscious beings. I receive messages of a Conscious Being through His act of creation/universe so that things remind me that they are created by a Conscious Being.
- I must be able to speak and communicate with my Creator who is conscious.
- I must be able to express that only my Creator created me with a need for something and I am returning to my Creator now so that He provides this need for me, that is called prayer/supplication/invocation: “You created me with this need”, then I communicate with You, the Conscious Creator”. So, when I failed at something done in the past, then I must present my case to the Creator: “I am sorry and I repent for what I did and I shouldn’t have done.”
As human beings, we also have two poles in our existence i.e. wrong/right, helping/harming, telling lie/telling truth.
- This creation is so perfect where everything is happening in TWO ways:
- When I need something and He provides it to me, I am happy with it and thank Him. But this does not make me a perfect man because,
- I need to also present my failure to Him so I can be comfortable and feel secure in my existence.
- We all make mistakes and there must be a solution for it!
The Speaker in the Quran, the Creator of human beings is imploring as if: “Before coming out of this world, ask for forgiveness. After death, it would be too late.” Analogy: After completion of school education if we do not learn what we were supposed to learn, then we do not get the degree. After getting out of school, there is nothing we can do.
- Similarly, the universe is a school where we need to communicate with our Creator by expressing ourselves to Him with thankfulness, asking for the good things we need (request), asking for forgiveness, and present our repentance if we did not fulfill our responsibility up until NOW.
In practical terms, we fail in life and it is ok, it is in the past. You cannot change it but only the Creator of the past/present/future can delete it. “Please my Creator delete my mistakes. Forgive me and treat me with your Mercy, I need it”. Express this reality of yours, don’t be ashamed of your wrongdoings. Yes, we are ashamed of it but we should not run away from going into the presence of our Creator. If you shy away from it, then you will torture yourself by finding yourself not being able to go back to the past to correct those mistakes.
- Next time when you do something that is not right, it cannot be replaced in the past. Only the Creator of the past/present/future can delete it. If you need anything for the future, ask Him, communicate with Him.
We are created for these two poles:
- Being thankful.
- Asking for forgiveness.
Either way, these are ways of the fulfillment of the purpose of our existence which is who I am, where I came from, who brought me here, where am I going, through communicating with things that are given to us? We need life, food, shelter…it is an opportunity to communicate with the Creator. “If you do not have shelter, then you ask for it as a means to fulfill the purpose of your existence.” In other words, while you are dealing with material affairs to get shelter, that action/following the order becomes a prayer:
- “Please give me a house as I am trying to build a shelter here, please give it to me.”
- “Sorry, I misused what you have given to me.”
- Turn your practical life as a means of communicating with Him.
In our human feelings, we are created in pairs. Both are to be presented to the same conscious Creator. When they come together, they make a perfect order and combination. To see my creation with opposites within myself (i.e. success/failure/get rid of something/healthy/happy…) Both sides within me make me a perfect man.
In order to accomplish this perfection, we have to understand that both sides are created by the same Conscious Being. If they are acting independently, then they cannot complement each other. Same with death, I am given life and I am taken away from life by the same One who has given me life. How do things result in new plants/animals/human beings?
- I am dependent in life and getting out of here by the same One who bestowed life in my existence. Between life and death, I am expected to be in touch with the giver of life (happiness), death (sadness).
Death is not the end of my existence. The One that gives you existence as if says: “You do not know where you are going but I know where I am taking you”.
- Both sides of existence require us to turn to God: “Please God give me life eternally and turn death into eternal life. Please God, only You give life and death.” We are deliberately put in this condition of life and are given consciousness to understand this!
53:47 “That He will undertake the second Creation;”
I did not choose to come to this world, and I did not create my human qualities by myself. Did you? No, it is so obvious. Who is He that will undertake the second creation?
The universe has a beginning and an end, it is a closed being. Example: I have a beginning/end, i.e. my life is closed but I have something within me which hates limitedness/closed and temporary nature of things and wants never-ending happiness. No one wants to be secure for a couple of years only, we always want secure life conditions here as long as we are given life. That is my feeling. I am not the body. I am a spirit (Arabic “rooh”) which is from the Absolute Creator that is why it requires unending conditions and wants infinity. That is what I am! “I do not want a close existence; I want to be free from any kind of worry/boredom and loneliness. I just want perfect satisfaction in my existence; I cannot deny myself.” This shows that the universe itself cannot be the Originator/Generator of this feeling, it does not have it. That is why we say that whoever created this universe, created it in a way where our spirit is not fitting within the conditions of this universe (the spirit side does not fit the universe, we want a never-ending existence and nothing missing in our existence and everything must be perfect).
- That is why we must turn to our Creator and say that “only You can provide the need that my spirit requires and expects, which can only be created by You”.
The Creator of the universe created the universe in such a way that the universe cannot explain its existence. My spirit wants more than my given life conditions here. I want perfection and eternity and there is no eternity and perfection here.
- I am puzzled then because the Creator makes everything perfectly fitting to my body conditions here, but one thing is not complete here, my desire for Eternal Happiness. This desire must also be met. He is the One who gave me the sense of eternity, I do not want to be within a close existence with a beginning and a dead-end: “We all want to be eternally happy (excluding external factors)”.
The Creator of the universe is promising that He gave us this need of eternal satisfaction in our existence and He will answer it/fulfill it because He is demonstrating it in the universe with all His perfect and wise Creatorship, He is introducing Himself to us like this. “I put my trust in Him.” But if someone defines himself as physical existence, then they say we come from the earth and go back to the earth.
How about your human side? If someone does not acknowledge their human side, then he finds himself in a complete despair situation that he will go into dust.
- Quran says don’t define yourself as coming from the earth, yes, your body elements are from it, but you have another side not related to the earth, that is what makes you a human being don’t deny it.
- “I will turn your body to earth when you die but your spirit will come to Me”.
My spirit wants to experience things in physical terms, not only in imagination e.g., I like fresh air, I like delicious food, I like the presence of friends, I like to exchange ideas, I like this physical experience. But when my body leaves me and is taken away from my human side, it is thrown into the earth. At this point, I am now only the feelings that I experience without physical interaction. Example: when I taste food, my memory remembers it and the next time, I want to eat it again in order to refresh the memory.
- My spirit is created in such a way that it communicates in physical experiences with the Source of its Existence. Example: In order to practice the power of sight, I need a physical material eye/body. When I die, my eye goes back to earth and my spirit/power of sight wants to see eternally.
Spirit is not composed of matter; it is something that has no material element in it. Example: my feelings have no material element in it. When we die, the material elements are taken away from us and returned to the earth. Spirit needs a spiritual life that transcends beyond what it experiences here in a physical/material existence.
- We need a second creation apart from what we experience here that allows the human spirit to experience eternity. (physical resurrection.)
How to understand resurrection/doomsday?
The universe may be destroyed, but the meaning the universe conveys to us cannot be destroyed. Analogy: When I burn a book, can I burn the knowledge in it? No, knowledge is not the paper. I read a book and it’s in my memory. Is the memory burnt? No. When the spirit communicates through the meaning of this universe i.e. how wise my Creator is, that news is brought from my Creator to me so I can understand who my Creator is. Doomsday will burn the paper/body of the book of the universe, but the meaning is with my spirit. Can you write the meaning in another book? Yes.
When we become acquainted with the Creator through matter, the matter will be destroyed but the communicated idea/knowledge will be with me. The human spirit remains after death. People who define themselves as body only, have destroyed themselves but the desire for eternity is with them always i.e. our spirit desires it.
- My human side requires the physical tools (human faculties) to understand all this and I need another physical creation to experience the human desire for eternity.
Don’t say that I will die and be brought into existence again. I do not die, the meaning that the universe carries to me does not die, only the matter side/body dies which has beginning and end.
- Human beings don’t die but the body dies. Don’t say that my friends or grandparents have died, they do not die, their body died as the universe’s body will die i.e. the book gets rotten, but knowledge never gets rotten. Meaning of the universe never dies.
53:48 “that it is He who gives wealth and possession;”
Everyone experiences different life conditions here (some have lots of wealth, some do not, and all these distributions are arranged by the same Creator). No one’s life is exactly like another person.
Why do you think God gives different possessions/wealth to some?
Answer: So I can see existence with the Quranic lens.
I may not be able to see clearly what is right/wrong. We are learners and we think about what is presented to us. I learn what is already in me and I did not make a distinction between right/wrong clearly (i.e. this side is wrong/right). This distinction between right/wrong is only possible through the Quranic lens.
- I need my ability to learn and I need a teacher to awaken my ability to learn and in the end, I become acquainted with the truth.
- Religion is not yours to claim, religion belongs to God. The means towards religion (Prophet pbuh) fits the human truth and so I become a follower of the religion, not owner of the religion.
In creation, we see that the trees look like each other but are not exactly the same, that is how we understand how supreme the Creator is, He is continuously creating innumerable creatures at the same time, but none is the same, but each of them is perfect in its existence. “I communicate with the universe through the same way as you, but my result is different from yours”. We are treated individually and uniquely.
- Everything in the universe is controlled by the same One who gives existence to everything at the same time. “I want to be specifically treated by my Creator, who must be an Absolute Being”.
- If my Creator is an Absolute Being, then I must be treated differently than other people.
If you are given more or less of something, try to understand that you are uniquely and individually treated by your Creator by giving that amount to you. We should be happy to see that I am treated with the same Creator individually and uniquely.
- He communicates to me in a wise way and so will I: “O my God, I am happy with you, I want you to give me this as well, I want you to keep me away from this harm.”
- Him and me, two sides communicating with each other, what an honor, human beings speaking to His Creator treating him individually.
- Don’t pay attention to how much you are given, rather you are individually treated in the way that you are given your conditions.
How to reconcile the sense of equality with this?
We need to reconcile equality before justice. Example 1: If I force a baby to eat like an adult; the baby needs to be treated justly.
Example 2: If I work for 2 hours and you work 10 hours, I am given the result according to 2 hours of labor. If I am given one dollar and you are given five dollars, then we are treated equally.
- God’s treatment of human beings has equality in these terms but human freewill varies so much that the result is given differently.
We may see some people are rich/poor in terms of money/physicality. Money is not the object, what you gain from money is the human objective. As a result of greed, I want more millions. If a person is not greedy, then he must turn to God requesting his needs: “I need this and give me the result according to my labor”, which is the means of prayer.
My treatment with the world is a means of prayer to communicate with my Creator and present my needs to Him. “Please God give me this”. How much you receive is not important, do you realize that you are communicating with the Creator of the universe and He is giving you one dollar? Does the amount matter?
- As long as I understand that my Creator who is the Owner of the universe is giving me something; that is the sense of happiness.
Example 3: A nobel prize winner receives a gold plate. What is the pleasure for, the gold plate or learning and recognition?
Example 4: You get two oranges and I get 5 oranges. Don’t forget who is giving you an orange. One orange, two oranges, these are symbols for what? We are treated equally by the Owner of the universe, that is why He distributes wealth differently.
- The amount is not important but the realization of who is giving is important. That is called belief in the Creator, not in the orange. The Creator of the orange gives value to the human spirit.
- Stomach looks for the numbers and spirit looks for who is giving it.
Finally, we don’t evaluate human senses in terms of matter, rather in acknowledging the Source Of Existence since we are created as human beings.
Tags: Absolute Source, Al-Najm, Answers, Despair, Failures, Mistakes, Najm Series, Non-Existence, Questions, Speech of God, Will