Tag: Fatiha Series (2024)

Section Fatiha, part 9
Section Fatiha, part 9 Recap: Our need for eternal happiness is given to us and nothing of this universe can satisfy it. Whoever gave us this need is letting us know it is a promise for the existence of an eternal life i.e. there must be a Day of Retribution that will follow the consequences […]

Section Fatiha, part 8
Section Fatiha, part 8 Recap: We all worship and declare the same Source of Existence. The One who takes care of my needs, educates me with opportunities to enhance my human qualities/skills to get to know Him, owns the vast universe. This One is the Owner of my eternal existence after I die from here […]

Section Fatiha, part 7
Section Fatiha, part 7 Recap: Our aim is to see how all the verses in the Quran are interconnected with each other, so that when we read any of the verses and Sections of the Qur’an in our daily prayers, we can further concentrate on the meanings of the words to extract further meanings. Anything […]

Section Fatiha, part 6
Section Fatiha, part 6 Recap: We see the manifestations of the Creator’s qualities in our creation and in the creation of the universe. Per the Quran, these qualities must belong to the Creator of the universe because no one in this universe can give existence to these qualities. Whether you call the Creator of the […]

Section Fatiha, part 5
Section Fatiha, part 5 Recap: Our aim is to see the connection between the verses in the sections of the Quran, referred to as “surah” in Arabic. While extracting the meanings from the verses, we are also looking into the relationship between the verses, how they are connecting to each other to knit into a […]

Section Fatiha, part 4
Section Fatiha, part 4 Recap: Through the manifested qualities of the Creator (Names or “ism” in Arabic), we should understand that the One who is the Owner of these qualities in the world is called “God” (Allah in Arabic). Hence, we cannot have an imaginary understanding of God. For example, the One who created an […]

Section Fatiha, part 3
Section Fatiha, part 3 Recap: We keep reciting “bismillah” on every occasion, which is the first verse of the first Section Fatiha of the Quran. Since it is recited frequently throughout the day, we need to tap into its meanings at a deeper level. To live in the presence of God, we must qualify Allah […]

Section Fatiha, part 2
Section Fatiha, part 2 Recap: We last spoke about how the Quran was originally compiled into a book form. The flow of the verses were instructed by the Prophet (pbuh) to his companions as to which verse goes before or after to form a Section. Soon after the death of the Prophet (pbuh), the sequence […]

Section Fatiha, part 1
Section Fatiha, part 1 بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ 1:1 “In the name of the Most Merciful, the Eternally Merciful.” This is the first verse of the first Section of the Quran. We must go into the details of it, because we recite it at every event as a habitual utterance. Hence, we should know a great deal about […]