Reading the Quran Here and Now: Chapter Muddaththir – Part 4
74:8 “And when the trumpet is blown,”
When one comes to the realization about his/her reality of existence in this universe, it shakes him/her up. When something passes and you cannot bring it back, you question: “why can’t I bring it back?” No one has experienced that s/he brought yesterday back. Within this world, has anyone come back? When we realize that our life here is completely transient i.e. we cannot bring our past experiences into present physically, so we shall then come to the realization that I am absolutely impotent. If I cannot protect my life, then the trumpet is blown for me. In other words, it is like a wakeup call. That is to say, the experience of the trumpet being blown can be applied to my existence now.
Every moment everyone is receiving meaning according to his/her capacity. The second trumpet is blown now. That is, when I try to understand something, a meaning comes to my mind and it is given existence, not in physical form. Gabriel is the angel who transfers the Absolute Speech of the message from the Creator as the other angels transfers the Will of the Creator into the physical form that we human beings can observe and experience. We cannot experience the Absolute. As there are endless levels of acts of creation manifested in this world, so are there endless levels of Speech we receive from the Creator. All these meanings of the message that we get from the signs in the creation are carried by the Gabriel at the Command of the Will of the Creator.
- Without the right understanding of angels, you cannot understand the existence of the universe. That is, the meanings of beings are carried by angels into this transient universe for conscious human beings to receive them.
74:9 “That day will be a day of anguish,”
When you get a failing grade after taking an exam, you are in agony. Similarly, when you realize your reality that you cannot sustain your own existence, then you are distressed. You thought that it was you who is controlling existence and life here but alas it was all false i.e. you do not create anything, it is all given to you and so there must be a Source giving existence to everything (lailaha illallah).
- Do the particles have any qualities to sustain their existence? Nothing can give existence to anything but we do exist.
74: 10 “For all who deny the truth, no easy.”
Quran just makes you realize that things need to be given existence. The person who does not submit to the truth will be in anguish. So, how can one ignore that creation is given existence by an Absolute? Those who refuse to submit will not have it easy. That is, deep down, they will always feel unease and unsatisfied with existence.
- It is not easy to deny truth because you cannot find an excuse.
Our experiences about accepting the truth needs to be confirmed right now. The truth encompasses belief in an Absolute Source (God), belief in Angels, belief in the messengers and scripture and belief in the hereafter. If I do not confirm the truth now, then how can I make sense of the hereafter?
74:11 “Leave Me with him whom I created alone”
If someone rejects reality and tries to come up with excuses, what can you do? Nothing. Your duty is just to convey the message like a messenger or angel. The Creator of the universe deals with the denier of the truth. Its order in the universe will put the denier in a situation where s/he will always feel anguished. Again, can you ignore that you are denying the truth? You can pretend to deny the truth but deep down you are in turmoil. With this mindset, mostly one’s interpretation of their experiences is wrong.
74:12 “And I gave him abundant wealth,”
Not only physical material goods, but also abstract ones such as consciousness and awareness are given to us. Our endless tools such as human qualities, ability to reason, power of sight, hearing… They all are priceless. So how can you then keep denying the truth? In other words, how can you then claim that you sustain yourself? THINK! THINK! THINK!
74: 13 “And children to bear witness,”
Since I am absolutely impotent, then there must be something else operating on me who is NOT impotent BUT is self-sufficient. Isn’t a child an obvious witness to your being impotent? How the fetus grow in the womb of the mother? Are the cells producing themselves? Do they have any consciousness, power to choose, knowledge, wisdom, ability to seek the best form to be utilized in the future? Serious questions to think about!
- When the baby is given existence, how does it grow? More so, how did you grow? What happened to baby you? Isn’t that obvious evidence that nothing sustains its own existence (lailaha)? Everything is dependent on an Absolute Source (illallah)
74: 14 “I have provided with him every resource,”
We are given human qualities and endless opportunities to use them to make sense of existence.
74: 15 “And yet he greedily desires that I give him even more!
The denier greedily desires for more wealth and opportunities because he does not acknowledge that the universe is a means to get to know the Creator. His main object is to collect more of this world thinking that they will give him eternal happiness. This Creator is always providing you with wealth and opportunities so you may acknowledge your reality whether you got the truth or not.
Tags: Al-Muddaththir, Here-and-Now, La ilaha illallah, Muddaththir Series