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Arguments for Messengership – Part 34


The Reasonings (page 134)-

What is the Age of Happiness?

Mostly understood as the time of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).  We need to make the base for it.  But first, we must analyze human beings.  Bear in mind that anytime we intend to go through our reality and try to understand what our responsibilities are, we need to look into what we are as a human.  We are given a body, there is no doubt about it.  Alas, serving our body has become our main concern where we are indulged in eating healthy, beauty care and health care…  This world is full of institutions serving the body.  Is there any institution serving my human needs?  Maybe some institutions are trying but they are supported by the Government which are secular in their ideology.  Hence, we are not in the Age of Happiness because happiness in its entirety is subject to my human desires, human needs and not my animal appetite.

I tend to reduce myself to body because I think that when body is destroyed, I (or my humanity) is destroyed.  What else do we have besides body?  We have reasoning ability, senses, feelings (represented by heart) and consciousness.  What are they?  Materialist Philosophers do not pay attention to the spirit, although Psychology, a discipline in secular sciences is supposed to be the branch of human psyche.  Nowadays, psychology is reduced to the material body as well i.e. because of body action, the human perception changes.  Unfortunately, that is not human psyche, rather is related to our biological side and wellbeing.  We cannot reduce human psyche to this.  Example: They make the connection between the function of brain and glands for every human sense and feelings, which is not wrong, but it is a reduction in terms of the existence of human consciousness.  Human consciousness has nothing to do with body, in the language of the Quran consciousness is called “rooh” i.e. spirit/soul.  Modern psychology neglects human consciousness and they do not see it as an independent existence residing in the body.

Consciousness has an independent existence and it uses the body as a tool (brain, senses…) with the support of freewill.  Your body has nothing to do with freewill.  Freewill is an independent being.  Your consciousness has nothing to do with the body, it is an independent being.  Materialists/Psychologists do not acknowledge this because they cannot attribute consciousness to the body and material base.

Human soul is almost neglected in this civilization.  How about religion as it is practiced nowadays?  Does religion attach any importance to human soul?  No, we just talk about belief as the result of mind activity.  We take the descriptions/verses in the scriptures laterally.  Example: “Am I not your Lord?”  This verse is taken as a shortcut that soul automatically recognizes God, so belief is automatically functioning in human beings.  This is the greatest mistake made by classical approach where belief is taken for granted just as a logical conclusion such as there must be an actor if the weather is windy, for example.  Let us take into consideration more examples.  When I shake the table, the pen falls?  Can you attribute the act of falling of pen as happening by itself?  No.  Similarly, temperature changes with expansion/contraction happening and rocks crack.  Just a flimsy cell is made to break the rock.  For everything, there is a Cause.  We have to explain everything in terms of cause.  When it comes to explaining the universe or anything in it, we say: “There must be a Cause to the existence of this world.”  Because any act must have a Cause i.e. the universe or anything in it, such as expansion/contraction is an act, a wonderful act, so it must have a Cause.  Spirit functions in this way and fulfil its duty i.e. acknowledgment of the Cause, which is a logical conclusion.  Spirit is a being whose one element is reasoning and the other is freewill to decide.  You used your freewill to come here.  Ok, where is freedom in physical terms?

Comment: Up there in the brain.

But brain is matter.  Can brain produce something which it does not have?  Do the cells of the brain work freely?  Does this machine work freely without being subject to the order in their existence?  NO, it works as it is set, so machine/brain does not have freewill, but you have freewill, what is the difference?  Where does freewill come from?  It is an element of human spirit.  Human beings are spirit, what makes us human beings is our soul, not body.  Example: we live in this house but it does not mean that your being is part of the house.  When you get out of the house, your being in the house means nothing to you now. The house is there and you are in another place now. Human soul/consciousness is aware of its own existence and potentiality and that is called “human soul” or in the word of the Quran “rooh”.

Rooh has an independent existence.  Human spirit is potentially able to understand the qualities of its Creator.  None of the things around us has their essential qualities as far as we see.  Example: Does the door understand and realize that it has a talented carpenter?  No.  That is as we see.  Example: when you go home, food is prepared for you.  Logically, you know that there must be someone who prepared it.  Food cannot get ready by itself.  Is there any human being saying that food got ready by itself?  Science tells us that everything is prepared by themselves.

What do we understand from the Age of Happiness?  I am living in the 21st century and the Prophet came 1400 years ago.  You are right but if you analyze yourself, you have a soul which acknowledges its own existence and qualities.  But what does the soul need?  Example: I have some qualities, freewill, consciousness/awareness, power of reasoning, ability to question the Source of Existence of everything.  What is causing them to happen?

All sciences study causes of things happening in the world i.e. causes are within the universe they say.  Example: what caused pen to fall?  You pushed it.  I pushed the pencil against the gravity and I was more powerful than the effect of gravity.  If a fly pushes it, does it move?  No.  Because there is an order, this order can change within itself by different application of this order, not by itself.  If I obey the order (apply a stronger force than gravity), then the pen falls.  Scientific studies are about causes within the already existing order in the universe.  They discover this order.  As they discover the order, their admiration of the order increases, in fact they are admiring the One who puts the order into existence because everything has a Cause.  Who/what is the Cause in the existence of this universe and everything in it?

Your spirit says that there must be something beyond the capacity of this universe.  There must be something is not really acknowledging who that something is.  There must be Something but I do not know who that something is within the universe.  The One who causes me to exist, the One who puts the order of the universe is that “Something”.  Within the order of the universe, there are some causal chain, e.g. My father, mother, the food that I eat.  But they are not the Source of Existence, they are acting within the already existing order of the universe and subject to this order, they cannot act independently.  That is what some scientists confuse, the factors which function within the already existing order of the universe, they take it as the cause, rather the Cause is whoever has put the order of the universe or the factors within the order.  Example: all parts of the computer are acting based on the principles the Engineer has encoded it with.  WE CANNOT SAY THAT THE COMPUTER IS ACTING ON ITS OWN.  COMPUTER IS ACTING ACCORDING TO THE ORDER OF THE ENGINEER WHO HAS SET IT UP WITH EACH OF ITS PART AND THEIR FUNCTIONS.  WHEN YOU APPLY THAT FUNCTION, IT IS MADE TO WORK FOR YOU.  Logic says yes i.e. human capacity concludes that there must be an Order-er of this order of the universe because there is a purposefully arranged order, so there must be an Engineer.  The whole universe has one order but there are other elements (of this order) within this order.  Example: the computer has an order of being a computer.  There are functions in it but every function of the computer acts according to the order they are put in.  WE CANNOT FIND THE ORDER-ER OF THE COMPUTER WITHIN THE COMPUTER ITSELF.  It is outside, something of a different nature.  The One who made the whole order of the universe is not within the universe itself.  Materialist mind do not want to admit this.   The Order-er of the universe cannot be within the order itself.  Look, the computer is working by itself.  They say that the universe has no Engineer, it functions by itself.  They do not want to admit that the universe must have a Conscious Owner.  Let us come to the people who claim that they believe.  The Order-er, the One who creates the universe, puts it in a system to work.  That is, it, we are done, we believe in God.  DANGEROUS!  If a person reduces his belief to logical conclusion or this assumption (yes, it is consistent and correct but who is the Order-er?  We do not know), then our relationship with the Order-er remains at that level. And this Order-er has nothing to do with me now, because I am now the product of the order itself. This understanding misses the point that every single part of the order is continuously changing its application within the Will/Choice of the Order-er. So that we can see the act of the Order-er in each and every point we see in the universe as the result of the Choice of the Order-er.

  • Human beings conclude: “There must be an Order-er of the universe so there must be a One who created me and put me within this order and my existence also has its own given order by the Maker, my existence is taking place within an order specifically designed for my existence.”
  • My logic questions this: “Who is the One who made me within this order? I am working within an order; can I get out of it?”

Let’s say the computer has consciousness like a spirit/human being, what will the computer say: “Yes I am working within an order and I must have an Engineer.  Who is this Engineer?  We do not see its physical presence within the computer.  THE MOST IMPORTANT HUMAN QUESTION IS TO GET TO KNOW WHO THIS ENGINEER IS WHOSE SIGNS ARE DEMONSTRATED IN EACH AND EVERY PARTS OF THE COMPUTER AS EACH PART ACTS PURPOSEFULLY BUT THEY DO NOT HAVE A QUALITY OF PURPOSE WITHIN THEMSELVES.  “There must be an Engineer is a good conclusion but value-wise, it means almost nothing.  Any logic says: “there must be a reason and that is God but it does not mean that we know God.

Human beings are very sophisticated individuals.  If someone that you do not know tells you on the street that you are ugly, do you get offended?  Yes.  Why?  No one knows you and you do not know this man but you felt offended because someone told you a lie.  You are a beautiful little girl, why bother?  We feel something cringing within us, we are so complicated beings when we are insulted.  Can we ignore and say why bother to our feelings?  No.  On the other hand, if someone tells you that you are a helpful person, then you get happy and smile.  You go home and tell your family about it.  What makes you smile?  What makes you happy?  Your flesh, blood, cells or mind? Do they have the quality to be the source of existence of these feelings?  You have something more than this and this something needs help to understand what its reality is.  Now, the Maker knows what He has done.  My Maker knows me, does He not?  Do you think that the Engineer of the Computer does not know what He is doing?  We cannot have a perfect computer if my Engineer is a stupid guy.  How about my Maker?  He knows what He has done and created me so He knows that I have the ability to conclude that I must have a Maker, but I do not know who that Maker is.  So He says Ok, I am going to explain to you and help you understand for 2 purposes:

First, you understand that there must be a Creator and you do not know who it is because it is not within the universe.  If something is not within the universe, I cannot really identify it and comprehend it because I can only identify with what I see and experience.  But I am not experiencing the existence of the Creator because He is not within the universe i.e. I cannot experience what is not within the universe.  I cannot experience God, that is not wrong, but I can easily confirm that such a Being must exist, and we have to know who that God is.  Get to know Him.  Human spirit questions: “What is God?”  The Creator says: “Yes, I have given you the capacity to get to know Me because I have reflected all my qualities within your spirit which makes you a human being called “consciousness.”  But you cannot use your consciousness automatically.  You use your consciousness by employing your tools (mind, eyes, touch, taste, emotions, especially your freewill…)  If someone says that you are a beautiful little girl, then you are happy.  What is that?  Where is this happiness coming from?  You say that you do not know what it is but you are sure that it exists.  Happiness exists.  This is what the Creator has given you, a sign, a means of reflection that shows something but you do not know Him physically within this universe.  Assume your being is a mirror.  What mirror shows is whatever is reflected in it.  So, consciousness is aware of what is reflected in it but cannot experience it by using the means (mind, senses…) .  That is called “consciousness”.  You are consciousness, you love being appreciated.  You are consciousness, you do not love being insulted.  That is how we are.  You are conscious of the existence of your feelings but how are you going to related it to your Maker?  Now the Creator knows that you cannot relate all these qualities to your Maker by yourself with your own qualities that He gave you.  All the qualities that He gave you and all the feelings that He gave you makes you be aware of His existence.  That is, I am a person who feels happy, sad, cry angry, smiles… you know these feelings exists within you.  But why are they with you, what do they represent?  WE DO NOT KNOW.  Now, the Creator knows that these things exist i.e. their existence points to something which is not within this universe and not within your domain of experience.  Can I experience the One which is not of the nature of this universe?  No.  What a strange position i.e. the Maker knows it and says: “Use your abilities and come to a conclusion that such Being exists, but you cannot make sure of because you cannot experience it physically by using your mind, hence I am going to give you a guideline/criterium (units of measurement, make the right measure)” in order to communicate with others and communicate with your Creator by using this criterium.  That is why God’s guidance is first called guidance and then criterium that guides you where to go and how to measure it i.e. make sure that your conclusion hits the target.  That is what the Prophets are doing, and they are doing this because they are employed to convey this guidance to human beings who listen to their consciousness, to use their consciousness (not mind only, yet necessary).

Consciousness questions its Source of Existence and recognizes that the Source of Existence must have some qualities.  Example: Have you seen the Maker of this house?  No.  Do you know that his house has a Maker?  Yes.  In common culture, that is called “belief”.  It’s not belief but only logical conclusions which is true.  Belief is completely different from knowing, that is strange and we do not realize it.  Belief starts with logical conclusions but belief is in the One which is within the scope of logical conclusion, but not within the universe i.e. belief in ghaib.  Ghaib means that the house has a Builder, though the builder is not within the house.  Do you know the builder?  No, his presence is ghaib (Absolute) for us, maybe he is dead.  Do you think this builder has some knowledge i.e. knew what he was doing?  Yes.  What does this knowledge have to do with me?  Which kind of knowledge is it and for what reason it has?  WE DO NOT KNOW the reason exactly.  Maker of the universe must have knowledge but what am I going to do with it?  Now, the Maker explains what is the meaning of having the Maker’s knowledge i.e. what it should mean to me?  Human consciousness acknowledges the Maker’s knowledge but may make a mistake and so we need a point of reference/unit of measurement to make sure that my conclusion is really right because I am concluding about something which does not exist within the universe i.e. I cannot experience it physically, so I need guidance from my Creator to make me feel secure that my conclusions are right and why they are there.  Example: why do I exist?  I know that I exist.  I know that I have a Creator.  BUT WHY DID HE MAKE ME OR GAVE ME EXISTENCE?  I do not know.  So, I say: “Hey tell me!” And I hear nothing.  But He tells me through the message He sends through the Prophets: “I made you for this purpose, I gave you these qualities to fulfill this purpose.  That is what you are expected of.” 

He gives guidance and at the same time provides criterium.  If we did not have this criterium/guidance, we cannot be sure of the One who made this universe, who He is and why He made it?  I do not know.  I just conclude that there must be a Maker and this universe must have a meaning which I do not know.  THIS MATTER IS THE CRACKS OF HUMAN CONCERN.  Otherwise, everyone knows that this universe must have a Maker.  There is no need for the Maker of the table to tell me: “Be careful, I am the Maker. I made this table.”  I say: “Excuse me, I do not need you to tell me because I already know it by looking at the table alone.  But which kind of Maker is it and what am I going to do by using the table? I guess that it is made for me to use it but why?  At the end I am going to die anyways, why bother?   Most essential human problem lies there.  Consciousness questions and cannot find the answer.  But unfortunately, this MOST ESSENTIAL human need is not included in the culture of this civilization and even within the present-day religious community.  They say, there is a God, I believe and my spirit recognizes it.  Human reason recognizes it, not the spirit in that case.  But I have something else.  When this most essential human need is made clear, that is the most precious gift from my Creator.  That is why when the Prophet brings the message to human beings (every Prophet brings message to human beings), that age is called Age of Happiness for those people who receive the message.  Why Age of Happiness?  Because the most essential human need is answered.  Age of Jesus was also the Age of Happiness for those people who lived during Jesus’ time and followed it as long as the message is not lost because human beings destroy it/spoil it.  Example: there is a machine, it is working now.  What happens 10 years later?  It will not work because I will spoil it i.e. try to change it as I want, not what the Maker desires and so I mess up with the machine and it does not work anymore.  The Maker of the machine makes another computer with another guideline, according to their needs now, on how to use the machine and send it to people and letting them know that this is how to use the machine.  Don’t use the machine as previous people used it and they messed up.  These people were destroyed.  You should not mess up as well now with this message.  As long as the message that we receive in the form of the Quran called “the Message of the Creator”, as long as it is not spoiled, there is no need to make another machine because working machine is already out there.  That is why when human problems are solved, that is the age of happiness.  How to use the machine such as how to eat for example, I can learn that through experience or using the handbook provided by the Maker, I can learn it.  If I do not know, then I can ask those people who have studied and learned it.  Unfortunately, this age defines the most essential need for human need as satisfying the body.  They say: “Are you happy?”  It means, are you ill?  No.  You are in good health and you have shelter and food.  That is it, we say that I am OK.  How are you?  We say, I am fine.  I do not think that you are fine, it is a lie.  Your body is fine but your human questions/concerns and consciousness is not fine.  Unfortunately, this civilization reduces existence to body needs and requirements i.e. if they are met then you are OK.  Another problem for religious people, if you know how to perform religious rituals, then you are OK.  Have you prayed?  Good.  How about questioning of the consciousness and getting answer to it?  And I worship God because God created me to worship Him. When?  In the morning when I wake up or on other occasions.  That is it.  Acknowledge Him.  How?  WIHTOUT BEING AWARE OF WHO HE IS AND WHY HE CREATED YOU, HOW ARE YOU GOING TO COMMUNICATE/CONVERSE WITH HIM?  HOW ARE YOU GOING TO BE CONSCIOUS OF HIS BEING?  Although, the Prophet (message says): “I have given you reflection i.e. manifestation of all my qualities.”  I gave the spirit from my spirit (verse, wa nafaghtu fihi min ruhi (Qur’an, (15): 29), you know me and acknowledge me, who I am).  Another verse, meaning, “you have all the qualities given to you to know my qualities”.  Quran says: “I taught you, Adam all names (qualities of its Creator). (Qur’an, (2): 31.)  That is why the nature of angels is that they look at the Angelic side of things, the meaning they convey to conscious beings, humans.  Angels represent the knowledge and quality that the matter conveys.  Angels represent the meaning.  Example: When we look at the paper and read the sentence, we do not pay attention to the quality of the paper.  That is what our nature is.  Angelic side of the matter, by definition means, looking at the page, reading the sentence and concentrating only on the meaning we get.  Materialist approach looks at the paper, they see letter and paper and not meaning.  They measure how big and thick the letters are and they say that this is the scientific discovery which has nothing to do with human nature, but only with human body.

Quranic description: Angels prostrated on the qualities manifested in the existence of human body, which is the manifestation of the Creator’s qualities in it, just reflection to get to know.  Satan is a representation, God teaching us: Are you looking at the matter of human body or the qualities manifested in the human body?  Satan says that you made me out of fire and Adam from clay.  Satan looks at the body/matter, it thinks that is his (Adam’s) nature.  I am superior, fire is superior to clay, why should I serve him, make prostration?  Adam should serve me, Satan is comparing body/matter (fire) to matter (clay.)  Thinking that human beings consists of body (that is what this civilization says, take care of your body and you can find thousands of hospitals taking care of your body, not taking care of need of consciousness, how many institutions we have taking care of our consciousness?  Even religious institutions take care of bodily responsibilities towards religious actions., what to do, fast/pray…  how do you do that, what are the rules…. treating human beings in the name of religion as consisting of body only, animals.  Ridiculous!  Satan, after describing human beings as made up of body, was right not to prostrate, he was right in his logical reasoning.  How are you?  I am good and going to the gym and feel better, that is Satanic approach.  If we see human beings as human beings (soul/consciousness), then we have an Angelic attitude towards defining human beings and we can really say that every human being is worth everything because every human being in the form of a mirror represents all the qualities of the Creator of the universe.  We can say that every individual represents all the qualities of the Creator of the universe. That is the message that the Prophet brings to us.  That is the aim of the teaching, but we reduce it to body action only.  “Yes, we have body responsibility such as if you are cold, keep your body warm.”  But it is not human to reduce responsibility to that, even animals do the same, do you know any animals going on diet in the forests?  No.  Only animals under human control become obese, in the forests, you do not see obese animals.  40% of civilization is obese i.e. they do not know even how to take care of body as much as animals do, let alone taking care of the human senses.

Comment: You said that belief is not in the scope of logical conclusion.

Although they are related, belief means something else.  Logical conclusion means knowledge.  Belief has something to do with your spirit, consciousness which is based on this knowledge.  That is what we must make the distinction about.

Comment: When we experience something (Mercy for example), and we acknowledge the qualities of the Creator, we say there must be Some Absolute Source of this mercy.

That is a logical conclusion, yes.  Even the most notorious materialist say that everything has a cause.  What they do, when it comes to questioning the Cause of the order and the Existence of this whole universe, they restrain because if they think that they say God, then I will become a religious man and I do not want to be a religious man because then I will have to go to church and become a stupid person by listening to stories.  That is true.  That is why they shy away from attributing the existence of the universe to a Creator, but logically they know that the universe is an act.  But they do not want to say God because they think that they will be identified with religion and they do not want to, that is why they keep away.

Comment: For us, I do not understand why belief is not a logical conclusion.  Belief feels to me as such.

Logical conclusion is just your human responsibility to use your reasoning.  But how are you going to define this logical conclusion and how are you relating your being to this conclusion and make it sure that this relationship helps you: “Yes, there must be a Maker, there must be a Cause of Existence of this universe, who is that?  Consciousness gives some clues that It must exist and so on, but still you must develop an understanding of the sequence of this Creator/Maker. This is only possible if you are given the guidance/criterium which again must logically make sense to you and satisfy your human feelings.  If you are provided the criterium, then you are responsible to take care of it i.e. for utilizing the criterium.  If you are not provided the criterium by your Maker, then you are not responsible for taking care of the relationship with this Creator.  That is, if the message has not arrived you, then you are not responsible because the Creator knows that you cannot find it.  There must be a conclusion about the necessity of the Maker to make sense of the existence of this universe, that is enough for you.  But if you are provided with a criterium then you must use it.

Comment: If it is not a logical conclusion, then I feel that it is a blind faith.

No. Without logical conclusion, you cannot question the guidance of consciousness anyways.  This is the pre-requisite but necessary, as if registering with belief but not being educated in the belief.  Logically one can conclude that he needs to be educated and registers with a school, but never attends the classes and learns anything. We must go beyond it.  As long as we know that there is a criterium i.e. the messenger brought the message, we have to work with it.

Comment: When we work with it, are you abandoning logic?

No, how can you?  Logic is a tool.  Consciousness is you.  Spirit is what you are. Logic and freewill is a tool for consciousness.  Your feelings are tools for the consciousness.  We have to utilize them, but consciousness brings you to the conclusion.  Example you see that this world is wonderful, and I do not want to die but I am going to die soon. What is the point? Forget about any news from Prophetic sources for a moment.  At the same time, you know that you are going to die, and you do not want to die.  How are you going to solve this problem?  You cannot.  You will feel miserable.  Yes, that is why you need guidance there because you do not know how to respond to your expectation of eternal happiness.

Example: you see that the universe consists of matter, but matter has meaning.  Where is the meaning coming from?  What do they refer to, why are they there?  I do not know.

Comment: We have a starting point in the form of a logical conclusion.  As we continue to develop our belief, we continue to draw logical conclusion.

Without using your tools, you cannot really develop your consciousness.  Consciousness is potentiality, it is there.  When you use the tools, this potentiality turns into capacity. Example: if you have not studied Mathematics, do you have the potentiality to study Mathematics?  Yes.  If you have not used your human senses, logic and human abilities, does this potentiality turn into capacity and you are a Mathematician now?  No.  Consciousness is your potentiality.  Potentiality says that I can learn Mathematics. You can learn how to speak Russian.  Unless, you use the mind activities, other means, use your tongue and then this potentiality turns into capacity. While you are learning Russian by going to school, how would you know that you learned something wrong?  The teacher will correct you.  That is what the Prophet said: “I am sent as a teacher.”  What you do is that you learn, make the attempt but knowing what you learn is right/wrong, the Prophetic message will guide you.  That is why if you are not given the Prophetic message, then you are not responsible because you cannot make sure whether you learned it rightly or wrongly and you do not know what to do with this knowledge that you concluded.  I question, and I do not accept anything for granted.  It convinces me that I need guidance.  That is why this guidance is the most precious gift to me, most precious Mercy to me.  We say that Mercy is the rain.  Yes, for my body but not for my human need.  The most precious gift is not only sending the rain, as a human being sending the message.  That is why Quran uses the word “anzalnaa” in both sense, the rain responds the need of your body and revelation responds the needs of your consciousness.  Both of them come from as figurative teachings of the Quran, as we sent down rain for your body you benefit from, and revelation for your consciousness to make sure what you learned is right and what to do with it.  It is a complicated subject because this human analysis is not in the air, we take for granted that conclusion we make is enough for our belief. That is the gravest mistake that we make, and it reduces us to concentrating on rituals only, i.e. information, not belief.  That is why teaching belief education is not common nowadays.  They say we are going to teach you belief tenets, what they teach is what you must accept and list the belief articles for you.  God has angels, why?  Because God says that you must believe in angels.  What are they?  Just the description of literally what the Quran describes them.  They are glorifying God that is what the scripture says.  This is imitation, not belief.  When they say that we are going to teach you belief, that is “transferred information” from the previous scholars writing just presented to you to make you imitators. That is what the Quran says, that is what hadith says and you have to believe if you are a believer.  It is ridiculous!  Reducing belief to information/knowledge.  We just say that Prophet brought the message and that was the Age of Happiness and I am happy as well because I follow the message.  There is deeper and deeper significance.  There are a lot of things that we are not taught, and we have to take into consideration, the most important is “human soul”, we call it consciousness.  The word soul/spirit is so much abused that people say that I am a spiritual guy.  What does it mean?  He does not know what he is talking about.  Spirituality, spiritual person is so abused and spoiled.  Everyone has a different connotation on it.  They think if someone is a spiritual guy then he is a Sufi or something to that effect.

Modern Philosophers do not use the word spirit but they are having a hard time with the word consciousness. They cannot deny it, such a thing definitely exists but we do not know what it is.  They reduce reasoning to brain functioning.  Brain is like a machine, it works only in the way it is made. You have the freewill to use it in any way.  You use different apps when you have the machine.  It does not mean that the machine exists by itself and it is doing all this by itself.  They say this is what it is and we have solved the problem.  This logical reasoning is reduced to the function of the brain by itself.  Is it right?  No.  They think that they have solved the problem because there is a physical relationship with brain and what we think.  Example: if someone hacks the machine, it functions in another way.  Similarly, when I hack the brain functioning, it produces a different idea.  So, the ideas are coming from the brain itself, they say.  When I look at the machine, the function of the machine seems to come from the machine itself.  So, there is no need to look for the Engineer.  This is cheating.  Now, they are having big trouble with consciousness because they cannot attribute it to anything physical that they will say that consciousness is the function of our heart, lung… they cannot say it but they are aware.

Not only human beings are conscious but the things in the universe functions in a conscious way.  That is partially true because the things in the universe when you look at the paper, the sentences are consciously conveying the meaning to you. That is what they say. Is there any author?  No. the letters must be conscious they say.  This is close to truth because meaning is represented by angels and angels are conscious of the function they are performing but they do not say angels but letters themselves are conscious.  Simple minded, because of the prejudice idea that I am not going to accept God or be religious or going to church.  I do not want to submit myself to the stupid people who call themselves priest or imam.  They block themselves and put themselves in trouble, don’t go to church or mosque but you cannot reduce consciousness to anything impossible.  But they say that the letters are conscious because they are conveying meaning.

First, they cannot attribute human consciousness to a Creator.  There must be a Conscious Being who or what made human being conscious beings because He is a Conscious Being.  Consciousness is reflected in the existence of human beings, that is what we are expected to use in order to understand that my Creator must be a Conscious Being but His Being Conscious must be Original, Essential and Absolute.  I am like a reflection in the mirror, there must be real object which reflects in the mirror.  Can the mirror reflect something which does not exist?  But human mirror is always reflecting something because we are aware of something more which means that there is some truth outside which must be the Absolute truth. We are experiencing it in the mirror of our existence.  It is very real.  It is a sign that there is an Absolute object who is nothing but the source of consciousness itself, nothing but all the qualities reflected in my body, nothing but the Absolute Being.  These are very interesting concepts, and these are all new.  Studying the various verses related to each other and trying to see guidance from there and relate it to my reality and I find that they are perfectly fitting.  It takes time to come to this conclusion.  Have you heard anyone say that “Believe is not knowledge”?  They say, let me concentrate on rituals. That is why religion is reduced to rituals.

Comment:  Are angels conscious beings that convey meaning?

Meaning must be given by their Creator.  Meaning in the paper must be given by the author but how am I communicating with this meaning?  We do not think about it.  My mind and eyes see the paper.  How about the communication with the meaning?  We do not see that.  Angels are everywhere in the existence.  That is why everything makes glorification according to the teachings of the Quran.  Why?  They are conscious and represented by the angles as far as I am concerned.  It means that their Creator is conscious, and consciousness reflects in their existence.  It means that the author of the book is knowledgeable, and knowledge is reflected in the text.  We are not used to see it in this way.  Hearing it once or twice is not enough.  We must change our mindset that we have as far as religion is concerned.  To me, religion has nothing to do with almost what we know about religion.  Because we are exposed to the message, our responsibility goes beyond our logical conclusion.  People go to religious places and they close the door because what they hear there does not make sense. That is correct.  People close themselves to revelation without knowing what revelation is.  Quran makes it that we sent the message and makes you realize that this is the message.  Otherwise, we do not take you to account.  You did not realize that it was the message from your Creator.  When you listen to khutba (sermons,) do you say that this is the message form my Creator if you identify yourself as a Muslim?    It does not make sense to my human side.

“THE THIRD POINT: Force can only achieve a superficial supremacy.” 

  • Force cannot really conquer human consciousness, spirit.

“But conquering minds and hearts, being beloved of spirts, changing habits and natures, and establishing a permanent dominion over the consciences of people is something particular to truth, which nothing else can do.”

  • That is not truth to mind only. For mind, it is so obvious.  Example: 2+2=4, no one can deny that, mind understands that.  That is easy.  If you question, why and how come this order was established?  Who did it?  Who sets this order?  For what purpose?  That is the problem.  Otherwise, learning 2+2=4 is not the purpose but without learning 2+2=4, you cannot question what is the wisdom in its existence?  Why such an order has been established in this universe?  Always 2+2 makes 4.  Constants in the creation.  It exists, everyone knows, and no one can deny it and anyone can demonstrate it to you.

“The undeniable witness of the fact that such a person’s victories are essentially those of the truth…”

  • The mission of the Prophet has to do with something with the truth. Not really subjugating people under its domain, ruling over the people is not the mission of the Prophet.  You can make your own community, that is different.  If you think that this community is on the right track, that is if you think that this community consist of people of truth as described here, then you can identify in terms of community otherwise it is not the point to make community for what?  The civilization has many communities and you make your own community which identify themselves as Pakistanis, Italians… What is the difference?  It does not represent the truth.  What is the truth in it is what matters? This truth is going to be transferred and taught to us by Prophetic message.  Prophets are not teaching their own conclusions.    If someone claims his knowledge as his own product, he is called a wise man.  He is not called a Prophet.  By definition, Prophet means that he has not interfered into the message at all but transferred it and tried to apply it and represented it in his own life.  He never says this is mine, according to me, this is true, that is what I taught and concluded.  Example: what we are trying to do here is not what the Prophet was doing.  We are trying to understand what we understand.  Prophet does not say that what I understood, rather he says, I do not know, that is what I was taught.  This difference is immense.  If a Prophet says that I am a wise man and I found out the truth through my own experiences and reflections then this is a monk, not a Prophet.

‘…, of love, compassion, knowledge, and faith, is his increasing dominion over minds, hearts, spirits, and consciences, despite innumerable obstacles, and the fact that the Religion he has conveyed cannot be removed from either the minds, the hearts, or the lands it has entered. If you do not know this fact, you are alien to truth.”

  • If you confuse the teachings of the Prophet with what the secular institutions teach you how to grow crops for example, then that is not the Prophetic teaching. What is the significance of it?  If you look at the teachings of the Quran or the representation of the Prophet in his life in terms of your arrangement of your worldly life, it means you are missing the point.  It must be true.  Example: what does life mean?  In order to understand life, you must take care of your life i.e. living conditions.  Prophet makes it in the best way, but it is not the mission of the Prophet to teach you how to live in a healthy way.  A health professional helps you about this subject.  What the Prophet does, does not contradict the health conditions but it is not his mission.  He is not a hygienist that is not his mission.  What you expect from the Prophet is to have a best worldly life but with the most perfect purpose in it.  Materialist world, their understanding tries to provide you with the best way of worldly life.  But not the meaning, what they point to, not human consciousness. They just make you have a happy life in your body terms.  The Prophet does not contradict this because you have the body and you must take care of it, that is your responsibility.  What makes a Prophet is not how he treats his body or bodily world, rather to convey the truth behind the existence of your body, your humanity, humaneness.  That is why we should be careful how to interpret, analyze and benefit from the message that the Prophet brings in this age. If you use the Quran and the narrations from the life of the Prophet in terms of bodily actions/worldly life, then that is a reduction.  But it does not mean that our worldly life should be horrible, and we should not take notice of it, but the mission of the Prophet cannot be reduced to that level.  We must expect the Prophet to perform everything in the best way as appropriate to human beings, mind, heart, feelings but answer to the needs of consciousness.  That is the difference that the Prophetic message makes.



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