By January 26, 2019 Read More →

Chapter Adiyaat – Part 4

All the previous verses were talking about something very symbolic – although they seem to be talking about physical specific conditions.  However, we should understand that to get guidance in our day and age, the physical condition must be appropriate to the content of the whole chapter.

100:6 – Human being is most ungrateful to his Lord.

When we come to this verse, we need to see how the previous verses connect to this verse. All the conflict we studied must have to do with me being ungrateful to my Lord.  All conflicts happen because human beings are ungrateful to their Lord.

 How can I be grateful to my Lord if I am not aware of It?  In other words, if I want to know my Lord, then what am I supposed to do?

  • Primarily, check myself, my human side not the bodily side.

Existence of human beings as a biological being?

Investigate your human side.  1% of our interests may go to our body side which is very exciting.  Until now, scientists could not solve the existence of a human being even merely as a biological entity, while others end up with speculations based on biased approach i.e. “there is no Creator so how can I explain the existence of anything including human beings?”  If someone makes up their mind that there is no Creator (to explain anything), then they must find out some sort of excuses to justify their conclusions.  Otherwise, they cannot prove what they claim.

 Accidents cannot be proven within the universe. There are no accidents within the universe.

  • If I conclude that things happen by accidents, then that is my lack of knowledge of the universe in terms of how it functions and works (the order in creation).
  • If we know how something fits within the whole order of the universe, then we must question the Source of Existence of this order: “Where did this order come from?”

We attribute the existence of anything to the order we find in the universe.  Question from the human mind: where did this order come from?

Cosmology tries to understand how the universe works (what is the source of existence of things), however, their focus is to find scientific explanation which includes a biased attitude because science means following causal chain.  If you find SOE within the universe, then you must investigate further.  They say: “We can only explain the existence of something through scientific study which is within the universe.”  This is not very rationally humanly consistent.

The aim is to explain where the universe came from: “How does the universe exist?” For example, in my hand, the fingers have nails, joint systems and function in the best way. When I explain the existence of the whole hand in relationship with the fingers, am I answering the aim: “where the universe came from?”  No.

  • Scientific study means dealing with the parts of the universe and follow the causal chain.

We must be scientific in investigating the amazing structure of the universe and ask where this structure (the order that I observe) came into existence from?  Need to refer to an agent.  For example, the relationship between the top of a table and the legs of the table – studying the qualities in the existence of a table. Nothing is wrong with that. Human mind says that this is the result of a conscious choice because the parts don’t have intelligence, choice, power, knowledge -each of which doesn’t have any quality to make a conscious decision. Obvious for a free-thinking human mind.

All those previous verses of the present chapter are about me. If I fight against my nature, I contradict myself and do something wrong according to myself.  “Lord” means, the One who made me as I am.  If I contradict myself with free choice, I contradict my Lord.  Lord is the One who consciously made you as you are.  If you contradict yourself with free will, you contradict your Creator.  When we go against ourselves, we are contradicting and rejecting the way we are created i.e. ultimately going against the will of my Creator.

We are free to go against ourselves where we contradict, deny the way we are given existence, i.e.  Going against the will of my Creator.  For example, if the table legs had a conscious free will and decides not to act as the legs of the table, it contradicts the way the table is meant for.

  • Human is ungrateful to his own well-established being. By extension, human is ungrateful to his Lord, his Maker.

Pre-accepted vs reading the Quran with a free mind.

Quran always puts the first premise addressing human beings and leaves space so that human exercises his/her freedom to reach the correct answer or deviate from it.

Investigative responsibilities are left to human choice.  Quran guides in what conclusion the reader will arrive at.  For example, the math teacher is showing the process to solve the equation that gives the result of the equation to let’s say x.  If x is 10 and while I am solving and arrive at 9, I can be sincere and go back to solve it.  However, if I am adamant that the answer is 9 which contradicts what the answer is and stand by 9, then I am thus contradicting the teacher.  Here I am trying to find a gap to play with and contradict the teacher.

That is what is going on with us of being ungrateful to the way that we are made and thus contradict the will of our Lord.  I must act according to the way I am made.  If I do not understand this and say, “what Lord?”, then I must go back to myself and see that I am created and thus must have a Lord.

The evidence must be from yourself and the universe – not because the verse says so, which would be a circular reasoning.  Evidence is not another verse in the Quran, I don’t need to go anywhere, I should use the way I exist – my creation.

100:7 “and he himself is a witness to that fact,”

We definitely know what is going on with us – we witness ourselves, no one has to remind me what is going on within me.  If someone reminds you, then you say, thank you I know it.  You know when you are cheating yourself.  Evidence is within you, not outside or in another verse of the Quran.  We are given multiple opportunities to examine ourselves and come to a conclusion:In which condition am I ungrateful to my Lord?”  Many situations and scenario – we are made to experience happiness, sadness, excitement, successes, failures, worries, all is needed for human beings to go through and to come to the same conclusion that I have a Lord taking care of all my needs who is also the Lord of everything in the universe.

Was I conscious of what I was doing, say, two hours ago?

It is not that easy to maintain this consciousness in our practical lives.  That is why the 5 daily prayers are opportunities to renew ourselves.  It is suggested in the Quran to renew yourself.  The prayers may seem burdensome when we do not see the opportunities as ways to refresh ourselves.

We are given many opportunities in the form of life conditions so that we may attempt exercises and reach the same conclusion to certify that which we believe in.  We are asked to solve the equation using the same method.  Since our life conditions change, we have to make adjustments.  Just as a teacher gives different exercises with variation every time so that the student understands the topic well.   Solving one exercise does not make you understand how the formula really works in every condition.  Life is a train of these exercises.

On several occasions, there are several different kinds of ritualistic requirements that the Creator suggests in the scripture and Prophets explain it on how to perform them practically because Prophets are the instructors and The Creator is the Professor.  Instructor comes and does all demonstrations of different conditions.  That is why the Prophets make it physically a formal way of expressing what the Creator of the universe suggested.

  • Solution is exercised in another way, but the conclusion is always the same.

In which conditions am I ungrateful to my Lord?  I am given many different conditions to check myself such as in hardships, happy life….  I used to be so happy and joyful and now not so because of this and that.  Am I ungrateful when I say that I am lacking this and that?  Yes.

We need to take our own responsibility and study ourselves, not because the scripture or the teacher says so. The Quran never imposes its conclusion/answer upon me but suggests what I have to arrive at.

Answer is not changeable but the way the same equation is demonstrated is changeable.  Your solution will be exercised in another way i.e.  “Lailaha–there is no Creator” can be experienced in the number of particles of the universe.  Everywhere you go and see depends on your understanding of the parts of the universe (e.g., clouds, starts, moon… or molecules, cells…)  Regardless, you should have the same conclusion:  Can it be a Creator?  Can it be the Source of Existence (SOE) of itself or another thing that I am encountering?

Example: Can the banana happen by itself?  Can the tree make it?

There are also many kinds of decorated birds.  Ask yourself:  Can they paint themselves with symmetric design just because I see that its cells are constantly changing within the set order of the universe?  Each wing has the same design.  There are many fields of exercises within the universe as many as the part of the universe that you are experiencing.  But conclusion is always the same (you say: “illallah–it cannot be the Creator, but it needs a Creator to be in existence”).  lailaha–it cannot have Divine Power to do anything or choose anything or give existence to anything.

  • Lailaha— different each time.
  • Illallah— same conclusion always.

We must be consistent within ourselves.  Use your human consciousness.  Then if you want to develop yourself and can find any person who can explain why (in all cases of exercises with no exception) the conclusion is the same 10 let’s say, then use this conclusion as the result.  In other words, if you can find someone who can give you the example on how the equation is presented to you by the Professor himself, then listen to him.  That is, if you find such a person.  Nowadays it is very rare to find those who study/practice Lailaha illallah.   People take it for granted and it does not make sense, which is a reduction to the guidance of God.

Guidance of God cannot be imitated.  If that is the case, then we do not develop in how to be conscious of our lives.  If we are not conscious within ourselves, then we cannot consciously approve anything.  If I accept 10 without examining the left side (or the process) and saying that the professor is a good guy without checking it for myself, then it means that I am not performing my responsibility.  Professor telling me the conclusion is 10 as a help, a guide, not to make the requirements redundant.

Everything must reach the same conclusion for you for sure.  There is no partial credit.  The Quran does not impose its conclusion on you, it is a suggestion saying that: “I am the One who creates the universe, I am the One who creates you, if you use yourself honestly, you will come to the conclusion, work on it.  That is your duty now.”

If someone just put x=10 on the left side (why are you working on it, the result will be 10), then it means that they do not study the universe and do not use themselves.  It means God’s help is misused and diverted in this approach.  It means God speaks for nothing i.e. Lailaha illallah, the foundation is for nothing.  Then, we can say that the rest of the 1000 more statements are stated for nothing letting for nothing as well.

  • Don’t study the universe or partially study it if you are not going to question the source of existence of what you are studying. While studying the universe, get your conclusions.

We don’t already know the answer 10, the conclusion – but we are told by the professor to work and come to this conclusion.  In other words, the Professor says: “if you use your own abilities, then you are expected to come to this conclusion (x=10); now go ahead and prove it.”  We do not know the answer unless we go through the process ourselves.  If someone reads the Quran without making any reference to the act of creation (although the Creator is speaking in the Qur’an), then this is not the right way to read the Quran, rather an insult to the value of the Quran as being inconsistent.  The process is demonstrated by the Prophets.  I need an instructor to put it into practice in the lab.

I must be aware of what is going on in the world, so that I can benefit to use and increase my human potentiality in the right way.  I need teaching to put it into practice in my life (lab).  How do I use myself in the right way?  Where is the Prophet?  In the lab.

I need guidance on how to use myself in the right way and ultimately the conclusion depends on me, what I have in my heart.  If I am ungrateful to myself, then I am ungrateful to the Source of my Existence.  When I cheat myself, then I claim that I exist by myself.

100:8 “he is truly passionate in his love of wealth”.

Love of wealth – means one’s declaration of ownership of anything – e.g. Ability to think, enjoy, taste, see, hear is all mine. These are all wealth. For example, in English, merchandise is referred to as goods.  Similarly, the word “khair” (in classical scholarship) is used to describe the property in my being: the abilities, knowledge, talent, …

For example, babies start speaking: “it is mine” as they start taking ownership of their toys. That is how we appropriate the things to ourselves.  Do we have to be in this way?  No.

If we take an ungrateful attitude in ourselves, then we end up being very passionate in our claiming ownership.  Studying the Qur’an for “Fiqh” (what to do, or not to do) purpose is irrelevant for this age when we do not know essentially what the Quran is, otherwise we may confuse matters.  For example, I love my car and house…, should I share it with the needy?  Love of car is not for the sake of the car but for the one who prepared the car following the way the order is established, a gift from the Creator of this order, Who is called God.

  • Practically I must take care of the car but humanly I must realize that the car is a gift.
  • Love of wealth – claiming ownership of everything, rather that it is a gift by my maker. Example of a gift: Symbol of care, concern, emotional expression of the one who gave these opportunities to me.

Masterpiece of Arabic literature vs word of God.

Literature value of the Quran cannot be the primary matter but seeing the content of the Quran is consistent with human nature and I can confirm it.

Ungrateful to my maker – rejecting the purpose in my creation. Your ego pulls you on one side, conscience on the other and you have the free will to decide. Either insult the maker or listen to your conscience and follow the will of your Lord.

Speak to people who are seeking the truth – even though they are doing something wrong – reminder helps only to those who want to be corrected.   If we fail, for example if I am not praying practically, then that is not a big deal because I am not yet convinced about the truth.

“I don’t need to deny my reality to justify my failure in the practical matters”.

Let’s reason on what my being is telling me. Study yourself and come to a conclusion, only then you can help others. The evidence needs to be studied and analyzed. By quoting the answer from the professor you cannot teach the students and help them develop their talent in Mathematics.

Who helps me by giving me guidance and the ability to use it in the right sense?

  • I should use myself honestly.

Listen to the universe, listen to my conscience, without any reaction to the traditional religious people.  What do I find within myself?  Am I reacting and so I am not praying?

Study by using your capacity – under instruction by someone who studies from a belief perspective – we support the prophet, we are pleased with him and we support his ‘aal’ (loved ones/family/followers) those who got the right heritage – at least one who teaches and follows the prophetic teaching and keeps the prophetic line of thinking alive in my age. Use myself honestly with no precondition such as I am a believer, so I do not need to study belief matters.








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