Arguments for Resurrection – Part 15
Quran is to be read to shape one’s worldview. You have to interpret & analyze the message of the Quran by making it relevant to your experiences in the universe. In other words, you have to make the Quran speak to you; otherwise the Quran does not speak. Quran is the Speech of your Creator.
Seedbed of light, continuation (page 56)
Further reflections
“This world’s Owner has such mercy and affection that He helps those who ask and answers those who pray to and take refuge in Him. He fulfills the smallest need on time, hears the softest voice of His most secret creatures, and complies with its request.”
Often-heard comments: We pray but our prayers are not accepted.
Usually when human beings are in trouble or need something, they ask: “Please God! Give me this or healing”. We need to broaden our understanding of prayers. Praying means calling (or duaa). That is, if someone is in need then s/he makes prayer or call.
Who is in need? Everything in the universe is in need of the Creator. We do not have anything from ourselves and nothing can sustain their life by themselves.
What does it mean to ask? When you are hungry, your stomach asks for food. When you are in pain, your body asks for healing. The way things are created, in their disposition, they ask for their existence to be maintained. Prayer is equal to the proclamation of one’s need. If you do not need something, you do not ask. Although, the universe as a whole is praying and asking to be given existence to keep the order in the best way.
Everything is always praying. If we look at the universe in this sense, then we shall find out that He fulfills the smallest need on time. There is only one exception which we shall discuss soon. But first let us see how the smallest need is met when we make something as a need for ourselves. Let’s say you need a dress and you pray: “Please God give me the opportunity to get this dress”. You get sufficient funds and go buy the dress. Prayer answered! Also human nature asks: “I want everything to go smooth in my life”. It’s a human need which you directed to the Creator of the universe who responds in many different ways. One of them is physically providing us what we need just as in the example of the dress. As far as the desire for a smooth tranquil life is concerned, that really depends on our attitude i.e. how we perceive creation. If we really reflect on how the universe is happening, you will realize that 99.99% of the needs of all creation is met. But when human beings are the subject, their fundamental need is not met here, which is the need that we want to have eternal happiness but we do not have it here. That is the exception we mentioned earlier. The argument will develop as follows: The One who creates the whole universe and fulfills the need of everything must definitely fulfill my need for desiring Eternal Happiness. Otherwise, it contradicts the purpose of my existence here. Can It not create another type of existence since It has already demonstrated countless, myriad types of creation? So it must fulfill this need. After all, countless needs are being fulfilled at every moment. Pay attention to this reality: “The Quran of the universe demonstrates answering and fulfilling the needs of every creature. “
“When one considers how infants and the weak are cared and provided for, one will see the Divine Mercy and Affection clearly. Thus this Mercy united with Generosity requires that the greatest need of His greatest and most beloved servant be met, especially if it is the need expressed, either in words or action, by all conscious beings. This is especially true if meeting that need will enable them to reach their highest potential, and refusing to meet it may cause them to fall so low that they cannot rise again; if that need is presented through all Divine Names manifested in the universe, such that the One Who can and will meet that need in an instant is the One Who has these Names; and if it is His most beloved servant who pleads its meeting in a most humble and acceptable manner and in a way that makes him loved. Those who accept his leadership, among whom are the Prophets, saints, and pure, exacting scholars, say “Amen” to his prayer and ask their Munificent Lord for Paradise, eternity, eternal happiness, and approval.”
Prayer is based on need. Since the need of an infant or a young animal is met or taken care of by the One who has established the order of the universe, so why our most important need can’t be met as well? Wild animals catch their prey and eat them but when it comes to their infants, they take care of them. They are created in a way where they have to take care of their babies, they do not harm them. They risk their life to protect their infants.
Prophetic saying: “Do not corrupt or divert the nature of the baby as it is purely created to get to know Its Lord”. What we do is that we impose our culture on the young ones and make them slaves of the culture we are accustomed with. Apart from human beings, we do not see any animate being harming or corrupting their young ones. Not because there is a fault in the creation of human being but because we are given free will and the rest of the universe is not. Other creatures have no option but to obey the perfect order, that is why corruption exists among human beings only.
It is beautiful for human beings to have freewill. You can choose right and be on the right way by using your consciousness. Make use of your consciousness and make decisions accordingly for your own sake. Do not blindly follow the culture.
Again, prayer is based on need. Example: when you are ill, you need to be healed. That is your prayer. Mostly, people think that prayers consist of these kinds of matters only where you ask what you need. Let us focus on neediness. When you are not in need, does it even occur to you to pray to God? We have to generalize the need. That is, as far as the qualities of the existent beings are concerned, everything is in need to exist and to continue its existence. Hence, everything is praying. Only human beings are given the option to either pray to the Creator of the universe or to the objects themselves, thinking the object will satisfy them. The whole universe is working perfectly. The needs of the creatures are met with an unconditional relationship where one does not feel obliged to pay back. Everything is given existence out of Mercy and Compassion. The needs of every creature are freely met. We also need to take this into consideration how the young ones of the creatures are taken care of unconditionally as well. With observing such things, we can understand how the Creator of such a world is answering the needs of creatures and fulfills their needs out of Mercy.
Human beings need message/guidance in order to make the distinction between right and wrong which can obviously be made in creation. The revelation is extra guidance which human beings need to confirm the right way. Everything is perfect in creation; there is no confusion between right and wrong. When it comes to human life, we have options and we may fall into a mistake. So we need extra reminder to recognize our mistakes and learn from them. Example: If I put my hand on fire, I feel pain. As soon as I get closer to fire, mother shouts, which is an extra reminder for me because I already know that I should not get too close to the fire. It is already in the nature of creation that one should not get closer to fire.
- Similarly, the message in the Quran is nothing but an extra reminder to confirm one’s reality. That is to say, Quran is a reminder of what already exists in creation, which is put into a human language, and makes it clear for one to differentiate between right and wrong. That is why the Quran is described as a “reminder”.
- Through creation, I am told that I have options and I may divert myself by choosing the option to deny. Just as a student, I know that I have to do the homework and listen to the teacher. But still the teacher needs to remind me on doing the homework and study. Nature of revelation is to complete making one realize their human weakness. We need this reminder otherwise we take things lightly and ignore it.
If we think carefully, since the Owner of the universe is fulfilling the needs of every being Compassionately, He must definitely fulfill our need of desiring Eternal Happiness. That is where revelation is an extra reminder to confirm that It will definitely do it i.e. give the conscious ones Eternal happiness.
The most important need of human being is to eternally exist happily with no problem. That is what we desire. Unfortunately, we divert our attention from this natural innate desire towards seeking happiness in this world only which is influenced by cultural values and/or societal civilization. Example: I need a job which pays x amount of dollars to be happy. I need a spouse with a certain profession so that my mortgage can be paid. Our reality is such that we have diverted our prayer from seeking Eternal happiness to getting “that job” or “that spouse” to be happy. That is why we do not feel the need for Eternal Happiness. The author is drawing our attention to our current state of being where we are selling ourselves short by desiring temporary gains. In fact, we are created as candidates for Eternal Happiness, so ask for Eternal Happiness! Even the Messengers represent this desire at the highest level. Our concern should be directed in the same way as well: I want an unspoiled relationship with my CreatorThis is my consent I want to be happy with my Creator I want to establish a happy relationship with my Creator (for the sake of God means this). I should never have a critical attitude because whatever He creates is out of Mercy and I have to accept whatever He creates and educate myself through the conditions I am created in.
- The most important desires that human beings yearn for is made known to us or is represented by the Prophets but we pay no attention to it.
How many times we prayed and we were conscious that: “Please I need Eternal Happiness?”
We may physically work for things but our hearts and feelings need to be connected to desiring Eternal Happiness. “I need that one”. The others are transient things, which we may get and six months later it becomes obsolete. Jobs come and go. Hairstyle changes every season. Even your spouse is bound to die. Experiencing transience never ends. If we do not think about our Absolute needs and limitlessness, we are just like a rabbit trying to get the carrot attached to its head. Rabbit goes after the carrot but never gets it. Whatever needs we concentrate our expectations on, mostly artificial expectations, we never reach them. Every season a new fashion is displayed in stores. Fashion designers exploit human weakness, just like a cat plays with a mouse. Additionally, if one makes use of fashion to make himself/herself attractive to others, then this person is not using his/her human qualities.
- One has to be attractive as a human being without distorting their human qualities.
Question: People that are neglecting their true needs are causing themselves to fall low.
If we think that our Creator/Owner is not going to resurrect us for an Eternal existence and if I think of my Creator as treating me by not giving me Eternal existence, then all my highest expectations (desiring Eternal Happiness) falls into complete despair. If the One who created me, gave me existence is not going to give me Eternal Happiness, then He is cheating me and torturing me. If there was no Eternal Happiness, then human beings would hate the Creator. Why? Giving me the need of Eternal Happiness and turning me into nothing. To assume or give a chance to the understanding that there is no Eternal Happiness lead to hating the One that gives existence and fulfills the smallest needs of every creature.
When you look at creation, it is inevitable not to conclude that it must have a Creator. If this Creator does not provide Eternal Existence, then it must be a horrible Being. If there was no Eternal Happiness, then we would hate this Being. Do we have any excuse that the Creator of the universe deserves to be hated? No, a hundred times no! For human reasoning, regardless of what the message says, the Creator of the universe is not to be hated. Everything is consciously designed for a purpose except that we do not have Eternal existence apparently within the type of creation we are experiencing here. This apparent interpretation and expectation cannot be true. There must be another type of creation where my needs are to be satisfied. The most conscious being expresses this verbally: “Definitely I am going to be created again and experience my desires fulfilled. This is my need”. INSTEAD OF saying: “Please God create me again.”
The One who prepares us here should be preparing us for the next creation. We do not have Eternal Existence within this type of creation. There must be another type of existence where my needs will be satisfied.
- Expressing the need is my prayer.
- Acknowledging the need is prayer.
Prayer is not independent from your need. If you are not aware that you need Eternal Happiness, then you do not pray and you lose yourself in the expectation of temporary things in this world.
Question: How do we present our needs through Divine Names?
When you really express your needs: “O the One who makes everything with wisdom, I expect from your wisdom to give me Eternal Happiness”. Praying to Divine Name means your consciousness of It: how much you are aware with the qualities of the Creator, that much you can be conscious of It. According to my awareness of the qualities of the Creator manifested in the universe, I can communicate with Him. Otherwise, if we do not realize the qualities manifested, we cannot communicate. Paying attention to the manifested qualities is important! Which kind of qualities It has so I communicate with It through the qualities I am aware of. INSTAED of uttering each Divine Name (quality) as formulated by some scholars, experience and examine that quality and then confirm the Divine Name. Example: The Creator of the universe is Merciful, the Creator of the universe is Knowledgeable… I turn my needs to the Creator of the universe who has this quality. Prayer must be one’s conscious conclusion. We have to work on our conscious conclusions just as we work for our professions. Can someone say that I am going to be a chemist without studying chemistry? No. Similarly, can you be a believer without studying belief? No. That is why taking for granted belief is very unrealistic and inhuman!
Here are some examples to draw our attention to how unrealistic we have become.
- Example: what does it mean to sponsor an iftaar during Ramadan? Is anyone actually feeding people who are literally “poor” or are we just feeding people who are hungry at iftar time while their fridges are full at home?
- Example: when we want to purchase a product, we spend hours and days researching and consulting from experts to get the best product. Does it ever occur to us to research about belief and how can we better submit to the truth?
“In such a case, the all-encompassing Divine Mercy fulfills the request, for not to do so would be unjust. This beloved person, the center or pivot of witnessing and having others witness the Existence, Unity, and acts of the Eternal Witness, is a Messenger who reveals to humanity the mystery of creation, Divine Unity amidst multiplicity, and how to attain eternal happiness in Paradise. Through his servanthood, He unveils the treasuries of Mercy, reflects the beauty of the Divine Lordship, and serves as the means of eternal
Happiness and the existence of Paradise.”
Again, since we observe infinite Mercy in this universe, without no exception whatsoever, all our desires and expectations that are given must be fulfilled and met. The desire to seeking Eternal Happiness has been encouraged to us by a person who has reached seeking this desire at the highest level. When we witness the qualities of the Creator, accordingly we expect from this Creator to give us Eternal Happiness.
Unity vs Multiplicity-
Unity is perfect harmony where everything is perfectly arranged. Multiplicity is the causal chain within the order of the creation. It seems that things are affecting each other. Example: if I do not eat, then I die.
The Prophet’s mission is to draw our attention to get out of multiplicity that things as they seem are not causing any effect. Question the multiplicity. Does the wire cause the computer to function? The wire is made in a way to supply electricity. It is not its choice, the wire is made in this way. The universe is the same way. Because we are made in this order where the things seem to be attached to each other, but they are not the cause of each other, they are made in this way.
- Nothing effect the other, they are just made in this way.
Example: if you look at a table, it seems that the table legs are supporting the top and if you remove the top, the legs will fall. Think again. The table legs do not know that table top. The legs are made and deliberately put in order along with the table top. So how can the legs be the Source of supporting the top? Since we lose ourselves in multiplicity the Prophetic mission is to teach Absoluteness of the Creator through multiplicity.
For this reason, the Quran repeatedly says: if things are the Source of existence of another thing, show me what they have created since they are made themselves. (See Qur’an, 7: 191; 16: 20 and 25: 3)
The Prophet (PBUH) teaches us to attach ourselves to the Absolute Being so we can save ourselves from the misery of experiencing meaninglessness through temporariness. Eternal happiness is here. That is I belong to the Eternal Being, I do not belong to the food I ate: “I belong to the One who gave existence to the whole universe.” Existence belongs to It! Why should It torture me by not giving me Eternal Happiness by giving me the need and not fulfilling it? It would contradict Itself? It is impossible to give the chance to the thought that it would not give me Eternal Happiness.
What does servanthood mean?
The Creator has already sent the packet of what should we make out of our existence here. The content of the message in the packet is practiced in the Prophet’s life that is servanthood (uboodiya). Practicing exactly how to see the qualities of the Creator and interacting with these qualities and attaching your human expectations to these qualities and saying: “I am secure in my existence and I am secure in the existence of all my feelings.” Whatever I need is guaranteed.
The existence of the need is a sign that it is guaranteed to be fulfilled. There is no reason to assume that the One who creates me with this need is not going to fulfill it. You see that Its Power is Absolute and the qualities are manifested in Absolute form and as long as I am aware of this need, I am sure that this need is going to be fulfilled. The problem is that we are not aware of our needs. We have occupied ourselves with the need of fitting into the society to gain happiness. Example: I need red shoes to match my dress. Are human qualities created to match the color of the dress with the shoes?
But you have the feeling that colors must match, which is human. How did you get this feeling? The universe displays colors and demonstrates that it is created beautifully. Rather than paying attention to the color of the dress, you have to pay attention to the beautified act of creation. This sense of color matching is given to us to appreciate the Creator that It is the Source of making everything beautiful. Rather than appreciating the Creator, we get lost in the multiplicity of events. The sense of beautifying ourselves is primarily given to us to appreciate and acknowledge the qualities of the Creator. Do not waste this sense for worldly pleasures only! If we do not use it to acknowledge the Creator’s qualities, we get lost in the red dress and shoes. As a consequence, the world becomes our goal. This does not negate the fact that after acknowledging the qualities of the Creator, one should not beautify themselves. The important point is not to lose yourself in this consequence and forget about the Source. After all, we are worshippers of the Creator and we want Its qualities to manifest in us as well. That is a consequence of the acknowledgment. Please do not misunderstand. We have to have a happy life in this world but this wanting a happy life should be for the sake of having a happy life in Paradise/Eternal life because my Creator is the only One who can give me Eternal Happy life. Not the happy life that I have learned from the civilization that I am grown in which indoctrinates me to follow the 2017 Spring fashion in New York City for example. Being a human being means being universal and not following any societal culture. In other words, just following the way you are made. If we are universal, we make ourselves (desires and expectations) universally attach to the Absolute Being, the Creator. The difference is incomparable, more so impossible. Being a human being is important, we have to appreciate it!
Tags: Al-Mathnawi Al-Nuri, Divine Names, Human Reality, Permanence, Resurrection Series, Transience