The Seed
What is in a seed?
A seed is needed to plant.
A seed is planted to get a result.
The seed is yelling to becoming a tree.
What is in a tree?
A tree desires to be big, strong and healthy.
I am a tree that is growing in this universe.
My emotions are like branches extending to yield fruits.
What’s in a fruit?
All the genes encoded in the seed.
The need to use my emotions to go beyond the vastness of this universe.
A taste, a smell, a shape, a size and more importantly a meaning.
I am in need to grow my tree that yields delicious fruits.
I am the seed.
I am the tree.
And I have the potentiality of bearing fruits.
The fruit of my tree must point to the Source of Existence of the seed and the tree.
Tags: Eternal Existence, Eternal Happiness, Existence, Human Reality, Love