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Section Al A’raf – Part 8

Part 8, Section A’raf

7:20 “Then Satan tempted them in order to expose what was hidden of their nakedness.  He said, Your Lord has forbidden this tree to you only to prevent you from becoming angels or immortals.”

Temptation is encouraging someone to lean toward something, and may have some pieces of the meaning of the right thing to do, but usually that is not the case.  “Waswasa” in its original language gives some sort of suspicion that something may or may not really be true, and it gives an empty delusion.  

What does “nakedness” refer to?  What does “hidden” mean?  What does “expose” mean?  Everyone has the right to choose what they follow and we cannot stop them.  Waswasa is not reality and does not have real existence. 

This verse is talking about the nature of human beings, and providing a psychological analysis of our reality.  Hence, reducing “nakedness” to a literal meaning of not covering the body is absurd and out of context.

What do you think this nakedness means for Adam & Eve or me and you?  In other words, I am ashamed to expose my nakedness in my primordial nature, what is that?  What are we ashamed of to expose it?  We have an option to follow waswasa (nothing really real) means to choose anything non-existent.  We can fall and choose to disobey my reality, and consequently deny my reality.  This option is given to me and the nature of this option is waswasa, which means empty, and nothing real at all.  It was hidden because it does not have a real existence anyways.  It only has the quality of being chosen as an option for the human free will without referring to any reality at all, denying the truth and reality.  We have the option of not to accept the truth.  Is it within our nature to confirm the wrong or non-existent ideas?  No, but we can, and they are not real. This matter has kept people’s minds busy throughout centuries.  It is discussed by Theologians, Psychologists, and Philosophers greatly. Philosophers say that this matter cannot be solved. Psychologists say that it is human reality and we cannot handle it, we may just keep ourselves busy with something else (distort our attention from it).  The Theologians say that this is a very complicated subject, and we cannot prove non-existence.  However, we can experience that this choice is given to me and I can prove it within my own experiences.  I cannot physically show any of the results of choices, just as we cannot show our psychological side in physical terms although we all talk about them (such as fear, love, hope, concerns…).  These psychological states are all experiential and our human side, just like the meaning in the book or in the air waves that we hear, i.e. can you show it?  That is why Philosophers say that this is unsolvable and Theologians say that it is complicated and cannot be solved easily.  However, if we accept our reality, that which we are experiencing within our own real life, we say yes, that is the option to choose.  

When I make a mistake, I try to hide it, and I do not want to expose it.  Waswasa goes along with this side, it is empty, not real and I do not want to identify myself with something which is not real.  I do not want to put myself in an equation where I am equal to something which is not real.  I do not want to be in this shameful situation, but Satan’s duty is this, i.e. to make us fall into the trap so it will be exposing that I made a mistake (and I will be ashamed of it).  What is expected of Satan?  The word Iblis changed to Satan in the verse, why?  In terms of talking, arguing and being in conversation with God, it is called Iblis.  Now, when it comes to human relationships, it becomes Satan.  (This is the Quranic language, when it says Satan, it has to do something with me, not God.  I must be careful about this “persona,” what it is going to offer me which has no reality, just waswasa, emptiness or untrue emptiness.

What is “tree”?  Tree is the material side of existence which has no meaning in and of itself, just a material side. We can invent so many theories in the form of waswasa to interpret how the universe comes into existence, although some people may claim that ‘we could not find it yet’ as if it is possible to explain how it came into existence by itself.  

What does angel/malak represent?  A complete obedience to the Creator, God, and as a result, a permanent residence in the treatment of His Absolute Mercy. That is called  Paradisiacal life, i.e. always happy and enjoying one’s existence with no exception at all.  It means that if you get this, you get permanent residence in Paradise.  Satan says that if you get this amount of money, you will be permanently satisfied in this world.  One should either become Satan or Angel in each of our choices.

7:21 “and he swore to them, I am giving you sincere advice”

Scientists and media may brag about how we got the picture of many galaxies that we know theoretically exist.  Yes, these are existent, and we are sure of their existence.  The Quran says that you cannot count the end of the universe, regardless of how sophisticated technologies you develop.  Scientists will find out more and more complications in the existence of the universe with advanced technologies, and they will declare that the existence of the universe is inexplicable within itself, it is so sophisticated and there is no evidence whatsoever that matter has such a quality to be their source of existence.  If one does not want to accept the reality, at least they will declare their bankruptcy.  None of the findings explain the Source of Existence of one atom even.  Yes, this universe is a wonderful creation, and we must submit to the truth that the universe must have an Absolute Creator (rabbul-alameen).  That is why the expression Rabba’-alamein is extremely important.  “Whoever created the whole universe is the Creator of a single atom.”  No one can declare any claim over the existence of anything at all.  As soon as Science declares bankruptcy that it cannot declare the source of existence and reason of existence of this universe, then we can be on path to seeking answers to our existential queries.  The reason of existence cannot be explained in terms of matter:Why do we exist cannot be answered within the matter/universe itself?  Any rational mind can easily realize this.  There is no other option for human beings to have a recourse to a source of existence in the universe or explain the reason of existence.  There will definitely be an end to this tricky materialist interpretation of the universe, and human beings will realize that they have lost their hope in Science for it cannot explain the reason of existence.  Then, people will start investigating what the reality of existence is.  Human nature is inclined to be truthful and consistent, we are proud to be ingrained with good character.

Civilization is trying to reduce the value of human beings to dishonorable creatures through various fashion and unnecessary artificial items/stimuli.  Example: the clothing has such shapes that are made in a way that the real human beauty and art is rejected, the shape of the hair, the way that we speak, usage of disgusting non-respectful language has occupied our minds.  Human dignity is rejected, and civilization plays with our minds. These are deliberate actions, so that human beings do not feel the need to question and ask why they are here?  And human beings reduce themselves to “life is not important, let me just get this haircut and this colorful outfit”.  All sorts of meaningless modern looking paintings that are prevalent now that used to be the representation of God’s qualities as manifested in the universe, are all gone.  Unfortunately, human honor is destroyed.  Satan, in this verse, represents the attitude of those people.  Example: We are trying to help you, unfortunately, that is the only way to enslave you.  

Nowadays, most honorable people follow humanitarian ideologies.  This is also an alternative to Prophetic teachings/Revelation and Scriptures.  It is more acceptable to human beings.  For example, if we say to someone to be an honorable man and be consistent with it, see what your feelings say and follow.  That sounds so correct!  Indeed, it is true!  However, this seemingly good advice is missing an essential element in it, the purpose of the existence of the human side, which needs permanent satisfaction.  When I follow my feelings (unadulterated or uncorrupted), and when I am honest to myself, is that enough?  I argue that human beings cannot deny their reality, they are created to be a candidate of Eternal Happiness because all human feelings desire permanent satisfaction.  Humanitarian ideas can entertain people until they die.  If I say that I am following what I sincerely feel is right, but without thinking of the origin of my existence and why I am here, then I do not contribute to my existence, because I am missing eternal happiness, which I cannot find here.  Without attributing man’s feelings to their Creator, human beings cannot find any solutions to their expectations.  Hence, they reduce their lives to a bodily life only with only bodily happiness.  Example: I am having a nice dinner now, and I am taking care of the poor people.  That is just temporary happiness because the human spirit strives for yearning for Eternal Happiness.  Isn’t that a contradiction within yourself?!  You are saying that I will die and disappear, but it is your human reality to question why am I given existence?  Who is giving me existence?  Can I be the result of accidental developments?  

Short conversations with a young friend: Have you ever seen a perfect form of a being  come into existence as a result of accidental happenings?  Just give me one example.  It is easy to destroy a laptop, but can I make the laptop?  No, because to make it, one needs a conscious choice.  To break it, nothing is needed.  Just drop it.  Is there any way to come up with a perfectly working laptop out of a junkyard of the broken laptop parts?  Impossible!  But, a conscious being, helping each other (human beings), and imitating each other, to form a machine can come up with a laptop.  This idea can easily be accepted by human beings.  

Any type of such arguments depends on the intention of people, and is fundamentally based on whether one is ready to submit their existence to its Creator and connect to Him, and expect guidance from Him, or do people want to declare their independence either in the form of Atheism (worst scenario) Agnosticism or Humanism.  All these have the same denomination, i.e., I do not want to submit my existence to anyone superior to me.  This person maybe a Muslim by birth or a practicing one, by reducing the obedience of God to only ritualistic activities, and not letting God interfere in one’s personal  practical life.  In other words, not using one’s free will according to the will of their Creator, rather using their free will as they like or not submitting themselves.  Hence, do not be misled if someone declares themselves to be Muslim/Christian or religious and prays by saying that I believe in the hereafter.  Does declaring one’s religiosity solve any problem?  No. Do we really submit our free will to the Will of our Creator by following the physical world out there and the choices that we make?  That is, while I am following my choices, I am actually following God’s choice, but this needs to be acknowledged and be thankful to God, who is my manufacturer.  So, I have to function according to the guidance (manufacturer settings) set up by the manufacturer  of the human beings.  Follow His choice and use oneself according to the manual prepared by the manufacturer.  Are we ready?  Not only while praying because that may be cultural.  We may be praying out of culture and by breaking the culture, we may be slowly getting away from the praying commitment and leaving it altogether.   Example: postponing prayers, not praying while at work, not praying while being tired or watching an interesting video.  That is how we are created, if we may not appreciate the value of the guidance of our Creator, we end up losing it.  We may have it culturally, but it does not mean much.  All this depends on the person.  Example: People may get along with their culture as it seems to be right to them, so they follow it.  However, this habit does not work for most people who think and question.  We must establish our choice on a realistic evidence and proof/confirmation, i.e. I am absolutely sure about the truth.  This may stay with you for a long time, but you must refresh it, renew it with new evidence, and we must work on it.  We cannot really get away by saying that I accepted God and follow my culture, and do not need any more evidence for the truthfulness of my choices.  We may do this but it does not last.  

Do you think anyone who gives you advice says that I am giving you bad advice?  No.  Even Satan says that I am giving you sincere advice, and I am your best advisor.  Now, we will learn what to do if Satan is successful in deluding us.

7:22 “He lured them with lies.  Their nakedness became exposed to them when they had eaten from the tree: they began to put together leaves from Paradise to cover themselves.  Their Lord called to them, Did I not forbid you to approach that tree?  Did I not warn you that Satan was your open enemy?”

“Kizb” means that I do not want to admit the reality.  “Gharoor” is a more comprehensive word.  That is, it is not really true but I cheat myself with something in it which may have some elements of truth.  It may seem lovable to me.  Example: if someone appreciates me in an exaggerated way, I am always happy to hear this speech, which does not disturb me.  That is the trick that some Theologians use (mostly Orientalist), such as “the Quran is a wonderful book, it is the masterpiece of Arabic literature and every day many people convert to Islam.”  By saying this they want to reduce the Qur’an to a level of “Arabic literature” rather than the  Speech of God. Some devout followers of people may become proud that their religion is the best, although they are following culture.  We must be careful with all this!  People love to hear conversion stories, rather than investigating Islam itself and be convinced that it is humanly the utmost appropriate guidance from their Creator.

(more next time…)


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