O Creator of the Moon!
O Creator of the moon! Illuminate our hearts with the Reality that this beautiful universe points to!
O Creator of the moon! Every being here is transient subject to perishing!
O Creator of the moon! Transience does not satisfy my human expectations which longs for Eternal Happiness!
O Creator of the moon! Nothing of this universe has the ability to satisfy what the human heart yearns for!
O created beings! We are travelers in this guest house of the universe, for my spirit is not from this universe.
Where do I come from? Where are we going?
I am like the moon and the rest of my fellow creation created with utmost grace and magnificence.
O created beings! May we live with the awareness that there must be a Generous Host to this universe treating us with a beautiful display of the moon as a representative to the planets and the rest of creation.
O Creator of the moon! Bless us with a peaceful night ready to seize a beautiful morning! Ameen, a thousand times!
Tags: Eternity, Existence, Human Reality, Illumination, Light