Arguments for Messengership – Part 47
The Reasonings (Page 141)
“The second is that you may not be able to reconcile the Qur’an’s conciseness and elusiveness in the “natural” facts studied by physical sciences with its guidance and methods of teaching and education.”
- Quran never goes into details about what the universe presents to us as far as the natural facts are concerned. We all know that “natural facts” are nothing but how the universe exists. The purpose of the Divine Guidance is to guide humankind to the understanding of the Source of Existence of this universe so that they can relate their existence to make sure that their existence is secured. Human beings are already given the ability to find out the principles of the universe in its existence. Those principles point to the necessary existence of an Absolute Source of Existence. Where they need guidance is not in discovering how the universe is working, rather decipher the meaning of these principles; what do they mean to human senses? The aim of the Speech of the Creator is to teach how human beings should interpret the meaning in their discoveries of these “natural facts.”
“An explanation for the second objection: This was elaborated upon in the Second Premise. Creation has a tendency to perfection, and humankind to progress. Sciences are the fruit of this tendency, and they have come into being via experiences and research, supporting and providing a basis for one another over the course of time. They have not come into being all of a sudden, nor are they independent of one another. Like both eccentric and concentric circles, they intersect and overlap, one within the other. The conclusions drawn are based on the foundations that were laid earlier. This means that a science which is still in the stage of formation will be a developed one in the future, and provide a basis for new developments and the birth of new sciences.”
- Scientists by discipline try to disprove the Source of Existence of things by attributing agency to the things themselves. Example: It is raining, I am talking, it is snowing…
- How do we explain any phenomenon? Even our Speech, how does it occur?
Does my tongue have the capacity to create sound? No. It is just matter. Although, nothing has any capacity to organize themselves, it seems that they are working in harmony together. Human mind asks: Do they have the capacity to come together by themselves to work together?
When I speak, the sound has a meaning transferring to someone else. Is the tongue or air waves the Source of Existence of transferring the sound? Are they doing the job as a giver of existence to them, or are they employed by a Conscious Agent that gives existence?
Naturalistic scientists ask a very simple question to trick the human mind: If there was no tongue, would there be any sound? No. If there were no lips, would there be any sound? These are the Source of the sound as per the scientists. They seem to say that the matter has the will to function, that is how we see it happening there?
- The language is important while explaining how the things are happening. Example: It is snowing. What is the agent here? The thing itself.
If you attribute an action to an agent, the first thing the human mind asks: Does the object have the quality to give existence to this action?
Example: When I turn the faucet on, water comes. When I turn the faucet off, water does not come. If I do not know anything about the water system, I attribute the Power to give existence of water to the faucet. Here, faucet is the agent. That is, in a scientist language, it is as follows: “Faucet is producing water.” Let’s say the faucet is motion based. Here, science claims that when motion is detected by the system, water comes out. What is the scientific fact that you see in the lab? What is obvious to the naked eye is the scientific fact. If there was no moving object around, the water would not come around.
Does the faucet have the capacity to produce water? Does the faucet have the capacity to detect motion? No. Everything must be arranged by a Conscious Agent which cannot be of the nature of the faucet or motion.
This is what scientists claim: “Unless you prove that an external agent is doing it, only then I will accept that God exists”.
External Agent cannot be demonstrated within the universe. Can you find the technician within the electric faucet system? No. that is human logic. Similarly, the Order-er of this universe cannot be found within this universe simply because the Agent is the Source of Existence of the whole universe. It cannot be of the nature of the faucet system or, for that matter, the nature of the universe.
Tags: Arguments for Messengership Series, Belief in Messengership of Muhammad, Institution of Messengership, Justice, Messengership, Sharia