Arguments for Messengership – Part 12
The Reasonings (page 123)
There is nothing without meaning or purpose in existence, and everything is based on a reality. This indicates the fact that in this restricted world, where pleasure is mixed with pain and many hindrances intervene; in this world which never lacks in envy and mutual wrongs, it is not possible for humanity to realize the perfections towards which it is innately directed. Therefore, there must be another, more spacious realm where nothing hinders another thing, so that humanity can order its worldly life along the way to perfection and contribute to the universal order so that it will earn eternal happiness in that spacious, eternal realm.”
Perfection here is emphasized in its importance. Everything is based on reality here, what does that mean? It means the meaning of everything points to the reality and demonstrates that it is coming from a One whose existence is real, not temporary. It means Self-Existent One, reality means this. Although in our daily life, we may use reality as referring to the real conditions of the existence of this world, where when we say that we have to be realistic means that we have to act according to the laws of the conditions of this universe.
Reality, in the text is used as a “Real Existent-One”, not temporary. The world points to the existence of the Real Existent One and demonstrates that existence is coming from that Real Existent One. We need a universal order which is from a Divine Source i.e. Reality. If this world points to the reality, then there must be a connection between this temporary world and a Permanent Existence, an Absolute Self-Existent One.
- If we are aware of this aspect of existence, then we expect to be in contact with the Source of Existence, Absolute Self-Existent Real One.
If someone accepts that this world is real (i.e. the reality indicated or represented by this world), then it is completely different from the awareness that this world does not represent reality but points to the existence of reality i.e. the Real Existent One.
- Real Existent One means whose existence is Self-Subsistent, an Absolute Eternal Existent One. Understanding such depends on how you see the world.
- If you see the world as representing the reality pertaining to this world only, then your expectations from your life will be completely different and confined to the limits of this universe only, it means birth and death. HOWEVER, if you are careful to look at the universe and see that the universe is pointing to a Real Existent One because the universe itself proclaims that I cannot sustain my existence or bring myself into existence, I need a Source, then you seek to get to know this Reality, the Real Existent One.
- The universe points to this Real Source of Existence and that I cannot sustain my existence by myself. We can easily understand that this universe points to the existence of a Real Existent One.
If you understand that the existence of this world depends on the existence of an Absolute Being, so you are always in contact with it, then you will always have a relationship with It. Example: I should bear in mind that my existence and the existence of my social life depends on a Divine Source which means Absolute Source, Self-Existent Infinite Absolute Source of Existence. It means that I have to be in contact with this Source.
Pleasure is mixed with pain. Why is that?
Comment: There must be wisdom in it. Through the pain/shortcomings, we look for a solution. Pain pushes us to look for a solution.
How can we use the pain to our advantage? I have pain and how can I solve my problem?
Comment: Investigate and look for different ways to get solutions.
Comment: Pain allows me to understand myself better i.e. my restrictions and capabilities which points that I cannot be the solution or remedy to this pain and nothing of this universe can be. It creates a contradiction that I am in pain, but I do not desire pain which allows me to look for the meaning of why I am experiencing pain.
Through being unable to solve my problem but being in need of solving the problem, this contradiction pushes me, how can I solve this problem? We cannot experience Eternity here, but the nature of this creation is such that pleasure is mixed with pain. It is a BRAVE expression!
- We cannot pretend that God made everything perfect. There is pain which contradicts what my humanity expects; for my humanity expects pleasure only, not pain.
But my humanity here is mixed with pain and this contradiction is beautiful. Only through this contradiction i.e. being created in a way that we experience the contradiction, we start searching for a solution to this problem/contradiction. I say: What is going on here?
- If there was no contradiction in the existence of this universe, then I would not even look for a solution.
Universe demonstrating that it is coming from a Perfect Source is not perfect because the universe is transient and fleeting. If I am coming from a Perfect Source, then why am I not perfect as far as what my humanity experiences here? We are coming from a Perfect Source and our existence is pointing to the existence of a Perfect Source of Existence; and being not perfect is beautiful. Why is that? Because if the universe was also perfect, then I would not be able to look for the Source of it and I will be confined with this universe and I will not be aware of my need for Eternal Perfection. I need perfection and I cannot experience perfection in my own reality, I am experiencing pleasure mixed with pain. This world is not perfect.
- My experience shows that I am not perfect but at the same time I need perfection.
Since this universe points to a Perfect Source of Existence i.e. Creator, and I say that if I need perfection, then I must expect perfection to be realized by this Perfect Source of Existence.
I have to realize that I need perfection. The universe points to the fact that it has a perfect Source of Existence. My Source of Existence must also be perfect because of human reasoning pointing to the Source of Existence of a Perfect One. When I need Perfection, I have to refer to this Source of Perfection. Where? In my personal life, social life, in the expectations of my spirit, I need to connect to Him and admit that only the One who is Perfect can satisfy me. I should not really expect that I myself can realize perfection by myself because I am not perfect, and I have no means of realization of perfection, but I need perfection, so I have to refer to the Perfect One. As far as existence is concerned, I need a Perfect Source of Existence. I am coming from this Source; this Source has given me existence.
As far as my transient life in this world, my personal life, personal experiences, social experiences, interactions with other people are concerned I cannot establish a perfect rule of order in my life by myself.
How can I make my relationship with the rest of the world perfect? How can I find the universal order while I am living in this world? That is, I am looking for the best order for me to fit into the conditions of this world. I cannot find it by myself, neither can the universe provide it for me, but I am in need of it. It is essential for me to understand this because only through the guidance of this perfect One, can I have within this temporary universe, possible perfect way of life, relationship with others and dealing with my own human feelings.
- Because only under the guidance of this Perfect Creator can I arrange my temporary life in this world in the possible perfect way. Otherwise, if I try to solve my problems on my own or with the help of others (I inevitably experience that pleasure is mixed with pain), I do not want pain, then I cannot find a lasting solution, rather a temporary solution where I am always pained with each passing pleasure. How can I make this pain useful and use it as a means of understanding that this world is not the ultimate purpose for me?
- How can I arrange my life while I am living in this world within the conditions of this temporary transient world?
- My ultimate purpose must be the Source of my Existence.
- Then I will admit that I need a guidance which will show me the universally valid order because I cannot comprehend or find out the universally valid order by myself or the universe.
I will realize that I need guidance from this Perfect Source of Existence of this world. First, I must understand that the universe points to the Necessary Existence of the Perfect Creator. If someone sees that the universe points to the Necessary Existence of the Perfect Creator and does not want to admit that, then s/he does not feel the need for the guidance of the Creator of the universe. It is a mistake from the beginning, and it is not justifiable i.e. first deny the reality and then justify that since my existence is just within this universe, then I do not need any other guidance and I must solve my own problems.
- That is why if someone does not see or understand that this universe points to the Necessarily Existence of a Creator, then this person says that I am going to arrange myself as much as I can find the best way. That is what the secular civilization is based on. Benefit from previous experiences of previous generations and accordingly improve your life within the conditions of your own capacity as much as possible. That is how secular laws come into practice and they keep updating themselves because they cannot establish universal principles.
- On the other hand, if you understand that this universe points to a Creator, this universe has an Owner and I cannot really establish a universal order by myself or listening in to the secular man-made laws, then this Source of Existence, Creator must help me because I feel the need for help. Example: I am living in this world and I am desiring Eternity, I cannot guarantee Eternity; nothing can guarantee Eternity in this universe. The universe itself is transient, human beings desire for Eternity and they are not able to realize it. “I want something, and I cannot have it”. Through pain, I look for a solution.
We are desiring reality, but we are not practicing reality. We must go back to the Source of Existence and say that only the One who has given me existence in this world can fulfill my desire of Eternal Existence. Universe cannot provide me with Eternal Existence, but the Source of Existence can. I trust my Creator that He will perform it because He gave me the desire for Eternal Existence. I can understand and solve my problems saying: “If I expect this universe to satisfy my need for Eternal Existence, then I will fail because I know that the universe cannot give Eternal Existence. It cannot give Eternal Existence to itself, let alone me, it will not give me Eternal Existence. But I desire for it and nothing of this universe solves the problem”.
- Prophet-hood is mainly based on how l should arrange my life (personal and social) while I am living in this world in the best perfect way.
I now know that my Creator promises me the Perfect life but, in this creation, there is no perfect life. At the same time, I know that my death cannot and shouldn’t be the end to my existence because the Source of my Existence is Absolute.
- There is real hope that the Creator will provide me with Eternal Existence.
I am comfortable, but do I have to suffer here? How can I arrange my life while I am living in this world and manage with my desires?
- I need guidance as well while I am living in this world.
Let us solve the problem of Eternal Existence: “Death should not be considered as the end of my Existence (logically so simple) because the Source of my Existence is Absolute and Eternal and promises me that He will give me Eternal Existence, that I know because It has created the desire for Eternal Existence within my being.” Promise is not in the Speech; the Speech is an extra resource of confirmation for me to confirm Eternal Existence i.e. in my own existence, the desire for Eternity is the promise of the Creator that He will give me because He made me desire it. How about during my life in this world? What should I do?
Anything referring to the hereafter we will get to know when we go there. It does not mean there should be nothing in the hereafter and it has nothing to do with my life right now, not at all.
- As far as my life conditions are concerned here, everything must be for right now.
How can I solve my human problems so that the pains will be used in the perfect way and that the pain will urge me to look for the solution and find the true Source of solution?
- If you are not hungry, then you do not look for the food. When we are hungry, we look for the food. We need endless pleasure, we look for it. We need it in our personal and social relationship. How can I deal with my feelings and urges, relationship with other people and creatures? We need guidance within this universe. There must be guidance.
- We need Divine guidance to help me make my life better in this world which is a reflection of the next.
- How can I deal with something which may go wrong and how can I manage with it the universal way? These are human concerns.
Why do we need Divine guidance i.e. Prophet-hood? Diving guidance represented to me through a person like me and exemplified in his life, so I will benefit from it to put it into my practical life. If someone says that I do not need it, s/he will be in trouble because s/he will keep changing his/her principles through trial and error. And so, messengers will come and help us solve our problems.
Prophets are employed in order to intercede between me and the truth which is the perfect way of life, which is Divine guidance from my Creator. This intercession is already taking place in this world, i.e. if I follow the guidance sent by the Creator, then I am saved, it means the intercession takes place.
- The Prophets are already interceding if only I follow the teachings of the Prophets.
If we understand that we need Prophet-hood, we have to understand the intercession of the Prophets by bringing me the Divine guidance which means that if I follow it, then I will be in good terms with my Source of Existence.
- Intercession is the way of saving myself from meaninglessness.
How can you save yourself while living in this transient world? By following the guidance from your Creator. Without following guidance sent by Divine Source through Prophets, expecting that you will receive intercession is just false imagination.
- “You did not accept my intercession in this world, how can I intercede now for you? It is too late”. We have to understand our relationship with the Prophets which are to be applied in this world.
Comment: Imperfect creation has been created perfectly by the Perfect One. We see perfection in the imperfection. This is a beautiful contradiction. Analogy: I join a job at a construction company. On my training day they have broken tools (imperfect creation).
We have to make clear that creation is imperfect as far as the expectations of my human capacity are concerned. If there were no human beings within this universe, universe would be perfect. According to human expectations, the universe is imperfect; otherwise the order is working perfectly.
Comment: I want perfect tool and perfect creation. Then I find myself a trainer to teach me and work with the broken tools. Trainers are Prophets educating me how to use that. Where is the wisdom in giving me broken tools if at the end I desire not to work with the broken tools?
Broken tool analogy does not fit here. Although, we desire perfection, the universe demonstrates that it itself cannot satisfy this desire. The universe is a perfect source of understanding and teaching me its Source of existence is a Perfect One.
- The universe is functioning in the perfect way through being imperfect itself.
Universe exists in order to be a witness for conscious beings who are questioning. As far as I am concerned, I am aware of the existence of myself and other things and see the meanings in it. I can say that the universe exists for me. For a conscious being, universe is a perfect tool in order to show me my realty of existence;
- What that means is “I am here given existence by a Perfect One, that is only possible by observing the universe”.
Comment: Just to edit the analogy given above. We cannot start with broken tools because where would you get the idea of perfect tools? So, you are given perfect tools, but they break. Then, you say why are they breaking and then you seek out a teacher.
Good point, if I am given broken tools, how can I be aware of perfect tools?
The text emphasizes on human potentiality which points to perfection. How can I make this potentiality turn into capacity in the best way possible within the conditions of this world? Only the One who gave these potentialities to me can show me the way, how to use it in the best possible way? Potentiality is different, how can we turn it into living forms?
Comment: What do you mean by universal order?
Laws, representing the Will of their Creator, are perfectly functioning within the conditions of this universe. Human potentiality always points to perfection and desires gradual perfection. Perfection has no limit either quality wise or quantity wise.
- How much potential we have, we cannot count it? You keep discovering it.
In the world of physicists, they conclude that everything is perfectly ordered, then the second stage is that everything is subject to perishing.
- Without going through this we would not be able to understand that I have endless potentiality.
Development of science is really uncovering human potentialities and turning them into abilities and giving them the opportunity to turn into capability of understanding and practicing.
“Universal” means anything which fits and satisfies my potentiality, not my ability. My ability changes, my potentiality has almost no end, neither quantity wise nor quality wise. Who can say that one branch of science has reached its pinnacle? It means we have open-ended potentialities; it develops and never gets to the end. That is why universal order must fit to the capacity of my potentiality, who can do that? What can provide that order? Only the One that creates you can do that.
- When potentiality does not come into capacity, we do not even know what it is.
When one stage is unfolded, then we realize there is another stage. All sciences or investigating this universe go stage by stage, it does not suddenly jump into something. Human capacity and the nature of this universe is like this, we are experiencing it. I must go through these stages. If I do not go through one stage, then I would not be able to go through the next stage. That is why human capacity is limited and human potentiality is open-ended.
Universal order will address the human potentiality. All existing human made laws are the result of human ability as much as their previous experiences give them the opportunity to make the perfect order.
Politicians endorse laws and support the benefit for the group of people who make the law (mostly problematic). Let’s say a community made a perfect law. The law is perfect according to the capacity of a man, not his/her potentiality. Law does not mean only practical rules (fiqh), it mostly includes understanding of your existence which has theological/philosophical side. Example: I need guidance on how to think. I need guidance how to interpret my existence. Laws should not be reduced to arranging my physical activity. “Sharia” is a misinterpretation of such laws, which is nothing more than the way of how to live in this world as a human being in need of physical arrangements and at the same time what my human side needs. In this sense, I need a universal order to deal with my life. Quran’s teaching is all encompassing this, which emphasizes on establishing a universal order. (5% is included as human relationship through physical arrangements (fiqh) and 95% has to do with human psyche i.e. answers to my human questions.)
- Universal order looks to human potentiality.
Comment: Existential pain pushes me to look for how to solve this pain and so I seek guidance to help me manage the pain in a way where I feel satisfied in my existence here. This pain which is like a beautiful contradiction where I need Eternity and this universe cannot provide me with Eternity. That is the pain, which is always with us. When I am able to apply the guidance, does it help me get rid of the pain or is it still in the back-end of my mind?
Physically it is there but spiritually it is not there. That is, you know that you are going to die physically after you realize it, physically the pain is there i.e. my body will rot and is getting old. Spiritually, your humanity is not bothered about it because I am not body; I learned this from the universal law.
Example: My previous body has gone. After you cut your nails, do you bother about it? No. It is rotten, do you bother about it? No. That is, if we get the Divine guidance from this universal order (i.e. the One who created my potentialities knows everything about me, including what kind of development and unfolding will my spirit go through), then my humanity/spirit feels satisfied in its existence. Divine guidance really keeps me in check with what to do and not to do, understanding this or that, and watch out for this i.e. the Source of your Existence will give you guidance during orientation period.
- The universe is an orientation place to get ready for a Permanent Job.
Comment: What does the author mean by “spacious”?
As far as my human expectations are concerned, this world is a prison cell. That is why I need to get out of this prison cell, so I can entertain my existence in a more spacious cell.
Although it is not the subject here, I have made an indication of the Resurrection. What I want to stress here is that human innate potential is directed towards eternity. Consider the essence of humanity and the nature of its potential together with what is required to develop it. Then, visit the faculty of imagination which is the simplest and smallest servant of human essence. Ask, “O respected faculty of imagination! I have glad tidings for you. You will be given a million years of happy life in the world. You will be able to control everything in the world as you wish. But following this life, you will be sent to eternal non-existence without being returned to life.” What do you think the answer will be? Will it receive your glad tidings happily or utter sighs and regrets? Be sure that the essence of humanity will wail in the depths of its conscience, and utter, “Alas! Woe to me that there is no eternal happiness!” It will reprimand the faculty of imagination and say to it: “Do not be content with this transient life!”
Imagination is an important element in our existence. People may not understand how to use it in the best way. We must realize the nature of imagination is limited within the conditions of this universe. We cannot imagine something which does not exist in this universe. We can think about something with imagination, but we cannot liken something with imagination.
People think that imagination goes beyond this universe. Analogy: you want to get out of this room and there is no door. Wherever you go, you hit your head against the wall. Similarly, imagination teaches human beings that we need to get out of this universe, but one’s imagination cannot go beyond the limits of this universe. That is, we cannot imagine what is not created in this universe. Imagining something which is like something of the universe but physically does not exist in the universe does not mean that we are imagining something not created in the universe. Hence, we cannot imagine the Absolute.
- That is why imagining the Absolute or giving any kind of imaginary form to the Absolute will be inevitably invalid. Should that occur, it is the result of misunderstanding of imagination.
Since my desires force me to look for a door, imagination is to be employed to make me imagine getting out of this prison cell (the universe). My imagination comes in and pushes me to look for something beyond the nature of this universe, but imagination cannot liken something beyond the nature of this universe.
- I should employ imagination just to realize my need of going beyond the limits of this transient world.
Imagination helps me to realize the need to search for beyond this universe, but it does not help me to understand or liken anything beyond the limits of this universe.
- Imagination must be employed in a proper sense.
We always imagine Eternity, but we cannot realize it here. Imagination helps me to realize my needs, that is, if we did not have any imagination, we could not imagine tomorrow. Similarly, without imagination, I cannot imagine Eternity and my potentiality does not develop. Within my potentiality, after using my imagination, I understand that my potentiality is open-ended. That is why imagination is only a tool to understand what my potentiality needs.
While people are on a certain stage in scientific studying i.e. studying the material side of this world (the meaning is another matter), when they come to another stage, they start imagining one step ahead. That is how science develops i.e. it is functioning in this way. Example: If you put this into the machine, this comes out. Imagination comes and says, if you put something else, let’s see what comes out. This another way is not real, but this way of functioning is because of ‘imagination’.
Through the imagination I understand that this universe must have another side. Example: the transience of this universe points to the Eternity of this universe. I need Eternity and I imagine Eternity but I cannot imagine Eternity per se as in likening it to something, but imagination helps me realize that there must be an Eternity, but it cannot show it, rather shows the necessary existence of Eternity.
It may be possible for us to utilize imagination in the wrong way and find ourselves in problems. Product of imagination cannot go beyond this universe. I cannot imagine being in the presence of God, but I can realize that the Creator, God is real. That is, I cannot imagine Him and my being in the presence of God is being conscious of His existence. Not imagining Him!
Example: I am sure that I am created. There must be an Absolute Creator and I cannot imagine Him, so how can I talk about living in the presence of an Absolute Creator, how can I do that? I can do it only through realizing my createdness which necessarily points to the Necessary Existence of an Absolute Creator. This is an intellectual conclusion, not imagining an Absolute conclusion. What is real here is your createdness!
- Emphasizing on your createdness through understanding, realizing your createdness, you conclude that there must be an Absolute Creator.
- In your realization of createdness lies the Necessary Existence of Absolute Creator. Nothing to do with being in the presence of It.
More so, to be in the presence of your Creator has to do with being in the presence of your conscious awareness of the necessary existence of the Creator, nothing to do with imagination. But I am sure by using my consciousness i.e. human potentiality that there must be such a Being. How do I know? I can assure it. Have you seen God? No. How can you believe in His existence? I am seeing and experiencing in my real life that I am created.
- While I am supplicating and praying, I should never imagine God, that would be false. The consciousness will refer to the Necessary Existence of the Absolute Being.
- Example: “I am ill, please God, the Source of Existence of healing, I realize through my being ill and in need of healing, I am presenting myself to you O Healer.” Am I imagining Him? What I am realizing is my illness! So, present your case, illness.
Whether you believe in God or not, you must admit that you are created and are being given existence. It means that you are not active but passive. Even if nature made you, you are still passive. The best representation of this understanding is the human’s going to prostration: “I am passive, the recipient, I am not the active One, I am not the Source of production of anything.” Admit this! This is your reality.
Someone may say that I do not really understand what believing in God means, s/he may have another problem but if a person is honest with himself, s/he must make prostration. Even if s/he is an atheist, s/he must be honest with his/her own reality i.e. “now that I am being made, the question is by what?”
- Lailaha (nothing comes into existence on its own here) is my reality in this world. Illahu is my conclusion i.e. “by Him everything exists”.
Everyone has to say lailaha. It is our inevitable reality. I am made by nature and that requires lailaha which is a platform common to all human beings. But if someone does not want to say lailaha, then s/he is contradicting his/her human qualities and you cannot really treat him/her as a human being, s/he is just denying his/her reality.
- If someone says that I am made by nature, if you agree that you are made by mother nature, then you all have a common ground.
Can you explain the nature of this universe with anything within this universe?
In Illahu, “hu” means to refer to something. Let’s talk about it. “hu” is replaced by Allah, the Source of existence of this universe, nothing of this universe. What do you mean by nature? Is mother nature a part of the nature of this universe or something else? They will then say lailaha illahu to lailaha illallah.
- The common point for every human being is lailaha (I am made)
“O brothers and sisters, look! If this transient happiness, even though it might last millions of years, cannot satisfy the faculty of imagination, which is just one of the servants of the human essence, how can it satisfy the human essence itself, which has many more servants, much greater and more important than the faculty of imagination? The only thing which will satisfy it is eternal happiness that lies in the Resurrection.”
Need for Resurrection is the need for Eternal Happiness. How can I practice Eternal Happiness within this universe?
- To become aware of the reality of the existence of eternal happiness is only possible through Diving Guidance i.e. Creator of the Universe should send me Divine Guidance.
We experience pleasure mixed with pain. At the end of one million year, ask your imagination: Can I send you to annihilation? Imagination will start thinking another one million. Potentiality unfolds step by step. One step points to the existence of the next step. At the beginning, it may seem one million is quite enough. Imagination cannot be satisfied with it because imagination cannot go into the realm of Eternal Being. Human reasoning concludes that there must be something beyond this universe.
Imagination helps me understand the Necessity of the Existence of Eternal Happiness. Takes me to the door of Eternal Happiness, through reasoning I understand it and through my feelings I confirm it. We have more qualities such as reasoning, feelings, consciousness, real experience, I cannot experience what imagination offers me, but I can practice or experience what my feeling offers me. Example: I am happy, I love this as I experience this, but I cannot experience what imagination offers. It is the simplest tool created for humanity, it functions perfectly and is created for a purpose.
Tags: Arguments for Messengership Series, Eternal Existence, Eternal Perfection, Eternal Satisfaction, Eternity, Human Feelings, Messengership, Prophets