Is Order The Creator Or Does Is Need To Be Created?
Should we attribute order to creation as it is OR should we investigate what is the order in creation?
What is order?
- The relationship and interconnectedness of created things and the system that manifests from within which people often term as ‘cause and effect’
Some people might say that order (in creation) is the creator. TO AVOID such conclusions, we have to first investigate the objects around us.
I see that the order of things in the universe is set in place by objects
How do you make sense of order?
Can you say that everything exists as it is OR should we say that things are purposefully designed?
We have all studied order in the universe
- Secular science explains order within order BUT fails to explain order itself
- Example: The door is easy to open because of a hinge, which works well as it relates to the laws of physics. But what is the law of physics?
Can order itself be the creator of its own being?
Example: I feel pain in my eye
Doctor says: You feel pain due to the tension in your muscle
But we need to be aware that our existence is within an order.
Everything fits within an overall structure that cannot be understood unless an Absolute Being oversees the whole structure.
*There is a designer of the order ( a proposition put forth by the intelligent design theorists) BUT what is lacking in their proposition is the fact that there is a conscious will acting constantly.
If something is consciously done, there is a will behind it
If something is meaningful, there is a will behind it
Don’t bring God into the discussion as a starting point. We have to confirm it.
- In prayers you start with God but beyond prayer, you start with your experiences.
Existence is taking place as a result of something, which operates in the form of command (not physically; mubahshara)
- The order is operating without a physical connection
- Everything seems to be happening ‘magically’
- A building comes into form as a result of people physically putting the bricks together
- But the order of the whole universe is operating with NO physical interference
The order can only be explained in the terms of will (amr/irada/yuridu)
- The reality that we are experiencing in the universe shows that everything is coming into existence with no physical interference
- The order is renewed and changed BUT the concept of order never changes
Analogy: Things are constantly changing around us, but everything is in perfect order
- Your existence as a human is within perfect order although you change through they years
- In the existence of an apple is order
We witness the miracles of order everyday in our daily lives BUT the very concept of order remains the same.
Don’t say ‘nature’ when you mean ‘order’
Ask yourself: Do you agree that this universe exists within an order?
- Yes. Everything exists within an order.
We need rain. Nothing is intervening to put that rain there. The processes take place on a daily basis and eventually we get rain.
- This order is taking place without any physical interference
- The complete universe is existing within an order
I can explain this order ONLY to a conscious will
- Some body has decided that this order should exist
- Somebody willed it to exist consciously (that is my human conclusion)
Order: Matter behaving the same way under different conditions.
The atoms are all acting in a purposeful way and you can study them because they all have a fixed pattern.
- Nothing is existing haphazardly
- It all takes place deliberately within
The order that we see is preferred by a conscious will
- For something to exist, it has to be brought into existence and hence there must have been a creator of whatever exists
- Everything that is created has been preferred and hence given creation
We cannot attribute the existence of anything within this order to order itself.
- Example: We cannot say that clouds made the rain OR the sun evaporates the water
- This is the order
- We cannot attribute the existence of a part of the whole, to another part, which is in and of itself part of existence
- Don’t attribute created things with the power of creation
“And those they invoke other than God create nothing while they themselves are being created.”
The part that we attribute cause (in our cause and effect equation) is in reality created itself.
The whole makes the whole order and the existence of this order needs to be explained!
- We have to question the existence of order AND not get distracted by the apparent causes
My body needs a conscious will behind its existence.
- I cannot say that one part of my body (blood) is responsible for the life of my body
- These causal claims need to be challenged
- The Quran addresses these claims.
What is ordinary (normal) AND what is extraordinary (unusual)?
- We tend to say that the weather getting cooler during Fall is normal
- But in reality, nothing is normal
Everything in the universe is extraordinary
- Nothing just happens
- Think about the simple process that produces sound in your ears
- Everything exists within the order that is deliberately given existence by His conscious will
- The sound is deliberately given existence by a conscious will
- In order for me to hear sound, the universe in its entirety has to be perfect.
- SubhanAllah!
It is within the will of the conscious creator that when something is hit, a sound is heard.
Everything is taking place within the whole system
- By naming it or calling it a certain process does NOT mean it exists independently
Everybody knows how breathing works
- yYu inhale and exhale, etc
- We are only able to explain how it functions within the order
- But we fail to ask about the existence of the order itself and how it was given existence by a conscious will
“Resting God” on the completion of creation?
- The order itself needs a conscious will
- And we call this conscious will God
What kind of source must God be that He is giving existence to the whole universe without touching it?
- A source that is not the kind of this universe
- Anything is within this universe is subject to time and space and subject to change
- Everything in this universe is being changed within the order
- The One who gives existence to everything in creation must be infinite
Any field of science cannot explain how things are coming into existence
- They are only observing the order
- A common trap we fall into is that we separate the how and why questions and attribute them to the science and religion respectively
- How: Science
- Why: Religion
- The heart is not pumping because of certain tissues
- The tissues, heart and the motion of pumping has all been given existence and functions within an order
How things are coming into existence can only be explained by not attributing effect to the cause BUT by turning our attention to the conscious will in creation
- Otherwise we will get lost in determinism
- A is responsible for B
- A muscle cannot be responsible for the qualities within it NOR can the atom be responsible for the qualities that it possess
- We do not live in a cause and effect world as we are often told
Rather, everything is created within an order
- The whole system is given existence by one infinite source
- You have to attribute the existence of every part of this universe to the same source
- Quran calls it huwa (IT)
- That source is responsible for every single event
It is a constant chain of effects, until you reach the ultimate source.
- Everything in this world is an effect
- Nothing in this world is a cause
- The cause is IT
“On Him depends all creatures in the heavens and on earth; [and] every moment He manifests Himself in yet another [wondrous] way.”
Rahman (55): 29
All effects depend on Him AND in every moment, IT (the cause) manifests Himself in an extraordinary way.
- Every single thing must be directly related to its source of existence
- Don’t get lost in horizontal relationships
- Everything is coming into existence momentarily
- Nothing is static
- No one can capture a single moment and hold on to it
- Existence flows constantly
Kulla yaw min: Every moment
- The one who is giving existence to this universe is in operation in each particle of every moment
- Everything just exists at each moment
- He wills in an infinite, absolute, unlimited way
- The Quran tells its reader to look at the universe and the existence of everything and to see that you can only attribute the existence of all that you see to the source of this universe AND not to causes
God is in operation in every moment over everything. He (the source) is telling me that I cannot explain the existence of anything except attributing it to the source of the universe
- Investigate it and you will see that it is true BECAUSE every moment is coming into existence momentarily
Don’t just say God is Absolute BUT rather turn inwards and reflect on yourself and see how at every moment you are being created.
Every moment is a big bang!
- Everything is a sign of the will behind it
- co-operation
- solidarity
- mutual response (I need oxygen, there is air)
- and embracing one another…
form a unity of existence.
Nothing can exist in this universe independently!
- Everything is dependent on the conscious will of the creator of the whole universe
- We see the perfect order in the universe and we see how everything is in collaboration with one another
- Everything responds
Zaw-jain: Everything in this universe has a complimentary spouse
- You cannot take one thing out of this universe and study it independently
- Scientists claim that they study one part of the environment independently of another BUT in reality, nothing can exist independently
- Everything is inter-related and altogether they form the unity of the universe
- We cannot control all the variables within which we exist
The whole universe is given existence by one command, the will of the universe (Be and it is)
- The source is limitless
- An occurrence happened in a certain way because of the will of creator
- I have 5 fingers because of the will of the creator NOT because of the laws of nature
Is someone says: I am trying to understand the will of the creator; You should respond:
- Everything around us, is a sign that points towards His Absolute qualities
- Everything in this world is an ayah
- My dislike for spiders, is a sign
Do not be concerned with Him and how He acts.
- Be concerned with everything around you
- Why is something solid?
- Bcause He has willed it to be solid
- We cannot think about the Absolute One
- Never start a question with God
- The Will belongs to God
In His speech, He says: I willed it
I investigate – I cannot attribute existence to anything other than the One Absolute Creator and hence I can confirm the verse in which He says: I willed it.
Whatever exists in this world (whether you like it or dislike it) is the will of the creator
- When you reach this point, you become very comforted
- The whole universe is an art exhibition so immerse yourself in the Absolute qualities of the creator.
The cause and effect language is fabricated and imposed into our mind
- Don’t say cause and effect
- See that everything is coming from Him and I study how He is creating
- Not how the things are affecting each other
- What we call cause, is in reality being created.
If you believe in cause and effect, what is the point of believing in God?
- Once you start attributing things to causes, God’s existence becomes static and pointless
- But look at every moment and its perfect existence
- Everything’s existence is only possible due to the will of God
- If an atom gains existence because of a previous atom, why do I need God?
- But can the previous atom be the creator of the subsequent atom?
- No!
- But can the previous atom be the creator of the subsequent atom?
The cause and effect relationship cannot explain the existence of the things BECAUSE this relationship cannot exist without time
- Everything needs time for it to exist
- Time itself is part of the system and cannot be used to explain the system
- But time does not have an independent existence
The continuation of the existence is time.
- There is no independent notion called time
- TIME as we know it is a made-up concept to establish their philosophies and theories in which they say that God does not exists or that He only existed at the beginning
If I am not attributing my existence to the source of creation, then I attribute myself to ‘causes’
- My parents, my society ,etc
- Rather, know that at every moment you are created and He is the source of your creation at every moment
- Don’t get lost in explaining existence through the order
The reason of existence is the One, Absolute cause who has Absolute free will and Absolute qualities.
Tags: Nature