By December 30, 2019 Read More →

Foolish Man

How foolish is man losing his life trying to change others.
The joy of life is in changing your own self.

How foolish is man who weeps with sorrow at each passing moment.
The joy of life is to cherish the given existence.

How foolish is man who is anxious about the future.
The joy of life is to live existence here and now.

How foolish is man who gets lost in accumulating capital.
The joy of life is to utilize human capital to fulfill the purpose of existence.

How foolish is man living his life making comparisons for might.
The joy of life is to to understand reality by comparing opposites and accept creatures for what they are.

How foolish is man who focuses on the materiality of existence.
The joy of life is to see the meaning in the material and what that points to.

How foolish is man who keeps complaining about his expectations not met.
The joy of life is to be grateful for all the bounties given and blessings bestowed.

How foolish is man sleeping through existence with heedlessness.
The joy of life is to recognize an Existence-Giver and keep this consciousness alive.  Amen, a thousand times amen!


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