By November 29, 2024 Read More →

Does a magnet attract?

Magnets Attracting

Does a Magnet Attract?

Dr. Ali Mermer

The Qur’an states that celestial bodies remain in their ordained paths, sustained by divine acts of creation. Meanwhile, materialist perspectives attribute this cosmic stability to physical laws of attraction and repulsion. This raises a fundamental question: Which framework better explains the underlying order of the universe?

Three perspectives on the law of attraction and repulsion can be considered:

  1. The law of attraction and repulsion has an existence independent of a conscious Creator.
  2. The law exists as a fundamental principle established by a Creator at the universe’s beginning, now operating autonomously.
  3. What we call the ‘law of attraction and repulsion’ is nothing but the way the  Creator brings creation into being at every moment.

Which view is correct? The question remains: Is there a law of attraction and repulsion independently existing and governing our universe?

Materialists claim that attraction and repulsion are inherent properties of matter, but for this to be true, the matter would need to possess consciousness, knowledge, power, will, communication, and cooperation. However, we observe that matter only exists in the state it was created, with no choice to be anything else. It must exist in the position it was brought into. If someone were to claim that a masterpiece in oil paint exists because the paint itself has artistic properties, people would laugh and mock them.

Similarly, when we say, “God creates within a harmonious order,” this does not mean there exists an independent law of order in addition to creation. There is no independent “law of order.” Instead, we, as observers, perceive a regular and orderly creation. So, there is creation, but not an additional “order” in itself. Therefore, there is a universe with stars, planets, and galaxies existing as a result of orderly creation with no additional law of attraction and repulsion.

What we observe is a continuous act of creation, where every being reflects the qualities of its Creator. Each moment of existence testifies: “My Creator brings forth all things with His boundless attributes.” This creation unfolds with order, knowledge, wisdom, beauty, purpose, and mercy. It’s a ceaseless act, marked by balance, precision, and effortless generosity. The manifestation of these qualities in every being, even amidst constant change, points to an Absolute Creator. Though the universe is in perpetual flux, its harmonious order remains unbroken.

Let’s delve deeper into the concept of intrinsic qualities using the examples of a magnet and a piece of art. Does a magnet possess an inherent power of attraction and repulsion? We clearly observe that opposite poles attract and like poles repel. However, does this force truly reside within the physical substance of the magnet itself? Similarly, consider a piece of art. Does the quality of artistry inherently exist within the materials of the artwork? The answer, in both cases, is no.

Why, then, do we hesitate to apply this same logic to both the magnet and the artwork? Our familiarity with the artist in the case of the artwork allows us to confidently assert that the artistic quality originates from an external source. However, when it comes to the magnet, our lack of direct experience with its creation might lead us to assume that its properties are somehow inherent.

This highlights the importance of careful observation and critical thinking when considering the universe’s creation with incredible perfection. We become accustomed to the continuous and harmonious unfolding of creation, leading us to mistakenly attribute the universe’s order and balance to the inherent qualities of matter itself.

To claim that a magnet possesses inherent attractive and repulsive powers is to adopt a perspective reminiscent of the Mu’tazilite school of thought. However, this contradicts the reality of continuous creation. The magnet itself doesn’t attract or repel; rather, it is created with those properties. Each moment, the magnet and its properties are renewed. We perceive attraction and repulsion because that’s how the magnet is continuously brought into existence.

These observed properties are not inherent to the magnet’s material but are bestowed upon it by its Creator as its creation is ever changing and anew. Think of a mirror reflecting light. When we observe the mirror superficially, “Since there’s light in the mirror, the material of the mirror generates it itself.” But the material of the mirror itself cannot generate light; it merely reflects light from an external source. Similarly, the magnet’s properties are not inherent qualities of the magnet itself but reflect its Creator’s attributes.

Two main factors contribute to the misconception that matter possesses inherent attributes:

First, our education system often instills a materialistic worldview. Whether through secular schools or even religious institutions with secular curricula, many of us spend years immersed in a perspective that emphasizes the self-sufficiency of matter. This prolonged exposure can subtly condition us to view objects as possessing inherent qualities, independent of a creator. Overcoming this ingrained perspective requires a conscious shift in understanding.

Second, the inability to explain matter’s continuous existence leads to the flawed assumption of its eternity. Lacking evidence that matter can sustain itself, materialists resort to claiming its eternal nature. However, this contradicts the observable reality of matter’s finite and ever-changing nature. Change implies a beginning and necessitates a cause, logically excluding the possibility of eternity. The claim of matter’s eternal existence is thus an invention, a convenient escape from confronting the need for a Creator. This conveniently ignores the inherent contradiction of assigning infinity to a finite universe.

In short, I argue that a law of attraction and repulsion does not exist as an independent reality. The entity of matter does not contain a separate, self-sustaining law of attraction and repulsion. Matter has no quality to exist by itself, rather its own existence points to a wise, knowing, and sustaining Creator. Understanding this is essential to explain the universe. If matter could exist on its own and form its own laws, we could attribute such a law to matter. We should be careful not to confuse the way matter is created continuously in an orderly manner, with an interpretation that claims that matter is sustaining its existence by itself just because we do not see the Source of Existence within the universe.

The continuous nature of creation often leads to the misconception that matter sustains its own existence. We observe phenomena like magnetism and assume the attraction and repulsion forces are inherent properties of matter of the magnet itself. However, this is a misunderstanding rooted in inattentiveness and ingrained assumptions. In reality, every entity in the universe undergoes constant change, receiving a new existence at each moment within a  continuous immutable act of orderly creation. Attributing existence to the imagined inherent qualities of things mistakes the effect for the cause.

Even if we accept that matter inherits qualities from pre-existing matter, we cannot explain how this transition occurs in an orderly fashion, resulting in similar yet distinct forms. What drives this change in matter, leading to a different existence? Some offer the oversimplified metaphor of a “domino effect” caused by interactions between particles, energy, and forces. However, none of these elements possess consciousness, free will, knowledge, or power to orchestrate a more refined existence in the next moment. Even if we grant inherent qualities to these elements, the domino effect metaphor only explains destruction, not the emergence of something more perfect.

To give existence to something that did not exist before requires absolute independence. Only an Absolute Being, free from any needs or limitations, can create.

Those who accept that the universe and everything within it lack the inherent capacity for self-creation logically conclude the necessity of an Absolute Being as the Source of Existence. This logical conclusion necessitates belief in an Absolute Creator, possessing infinite qualities. However, due to our limited human experience, we cannot fully comprehend or imagine such an Absolute Being. The concept of “Absolute,” implying infinity, transcends the constraints of space and time. Therefore, the creative act of an Absolute Creator is also limitless, even though the universe and everything within it are necessarily finite, as they are dependent on this Creator for their existence.

If the Creator is Absolute, His act of creation must be continuous and uninterrupted. This ongoing creation can lead to a misunderstanding among those who don’t observe carefully, mistakenly attributing the continuation of existence to the inherent qualities of things themselves. This misperception further fuels the misconception that matter possesses inherent properties and can somehow sustain and govern its own existence.

This flawed understanding gives rise to baseless claims, such as matter possessing the ability to change itself or generate non-material entities like life, consciousness, and emotions. It overlooks the fundamental truth that creation necessitates a Creator who is independent of change, free from need, and unbound by the limitations of time and space.

In contrast, matter is demonstrably subject to change, lacks free will, and is confined within the boundaries of its existence. It cannot act independently or possess the qualities necessary for self-creation.

Careful observation reveals the intricate order within the universe, where even unconscious entities, lacking the capacity for foresight or free will, maintain a harmonious existence despite continuous change. This order cannot be attributed to the entities themselves, as this would introduce inconsistencies within the universal framework. Attributing this perfect order to a vague “natural order” is merely a convenient label that avoids addressing the true source of creation. Materialistic interpretations, while claiming matter and energy as fundamental, fail to explain their origins, relying on speculation rather than logical reasoning.

These flawed perspectives arise from a resistance to acknowledge the existence of an Absolute Being, the ultimate source of this intricate creation. While the human mind fails to grasp the essence of such a being just because there is nothing in the universe that is absolute so the mind may compare with it, this does not justify denying its existence. The observable evidence of continuous, orderly creation points to the logical necessity of an Absolute Creator.

In our daily lives, we instinctively recognize the need for a cause behind every change. We understand that a table originates from a conscious designer, not from random events acting upon its raw materials. Human logic compels us to seek an agent behind purposeful existence. We attribute a broken window to a conscious act of a human being or an unconscious external force, but we would never ascribe the existence of a perfectly functioning window to mere chance. Similarly, the intricate order and continuous creation within the universe point towards a conscious and powerful Creator.

In conclusion, the magnet itself does not possess inherent powers of attraction and repulsion. Rather, it is continuously brought into existence at each moment in a similar but not exactly the same way, appearing to have the power to attract and repel intrinsic to it. This appearance is simply the way the magnet is brought into existence by its Creator. We merely observe the unfolding of this continuous act of creation. The magnet which has no quality to act independently; it needs to be created. The magnet consists of an unconscious matter. We easily understand that it cannot function within the orderly universe without being in harmony with all other parts and maintaining the perfect balance.

It would be inaccurate even to claim that God endowed the magnet with inherent qualities at the beginning of creation, leaving it to operate independently. Such a notion implies a transfer of divine attributes, granting the magnet autonomy. Continual observation reveals that magnetism, with its apparent attraction and repulsion, is a mode of creation, consistently manifested. This  observation of such apparent regularity leads to the mistaken assumption that the magnet possesses intrinsic properties.

Closer examination reveals that the magnet is merely a creation, devoid of independent authority or power to influence its existence within the universe. Every part of the universe is continuously created in a manner that reflects the attributes of its Creator, yet lacks the power to sustain itself or influence others. No element possesses consciousness, knowledge, will, or any inherent capacity for self-continuation. Claims that cells within a sheep, nourished by grass and water, intentionally decide to produce milk are misunderstandings rooted in materialistic thinking. Such claims disregard the continuous  process of orderly creation and rely on uncritical, secular expressions.

The Qur’an warns against such misconceptions, emphasizing that God does not produce anything that shares in His divine attributes with the metaphoric description of the verse “He does not beget” (Surah Al-Ikhlas, 1:3), emphasizing that God does not produce anything that shares even the smallest fraction of His Divine attributes. The attributes we observe in creation merely reflect the Creator’s qualities without granting any power to the creation itself. Attraction and repulsion are not properties of matter, but aspects of God’s creative method, referred to in the Qur’an as “Sunnatullah.” All observed attributes ultimately belong to the One who brought them into existence at every moment of their ever-changed existence.

The Creator cannot be defined in terms of His creation and is thus called “Wajib al-Wujud” – the Necessary Existence. This signifies the One whose existence is logically necessary to explain the universe and everything within it. The One whose Existence is Necessary for any human mind has to accept  in order to be able to explain the existence of the entirety of the universe together with each and every being that exists in it. Belief in such a Being is the logical conclusion derived from observing the continuous and consistent creation of the universe.

To illustrate, imagine a conscious entity within a table contemplating its creator. Bound by its created nature, it cannot fathom the Creator’s existence beyond the confines of the table. This analogy highlights the human inability to comprehend the essence of the Absolute Creator. Such comprehension is beyond human capacity, therefore not required. Our responsibility lies in logically recognizing the Creator’s incomprehensibility and affirming His existence as a logical necessity.


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