Divine Determining – Part 20
“Give one of the hands of that will of yours to supplication, so that it may reach Paradise, a fruit of the chain of good deeds, and stretch to eternal happiness. And give its other hand to the seeking of forgiveness, so that it may be short for evil deeds.”
- Being aware of what is it that I am choosing is different from being aware of the nature of the choice that I am practicing.
- The text is not talking about contemplating between object A or object B.
- When I use my freewill, I am asking something to be created.
- The question is: Am I aware that I am asking someone else to create the result?
- When I choose object A, I put my freewill into practice.
- Example: I extend my arm to grab a cup in my hand.
- I need to be aware that I cannot produce the results.
- This implies that the nature of my choice is nothing but supplication.
- Nature of supplication is to acknowledge that you cannot create the result.
- There is no difference between supplicating verbally or via action.
- Prayer #1: Putting your hands up and asking verbally something from the Creator.
- Prayer #2: Doing something with the awareness that you are not producing the result.
- Both prayers are a form of supplication.
- You may even exercise your freewill while choosing to be aware.
- The most essential thing to be aware of is that: “I am asking”.
- We have to bear in mind that:
- Nothing is ours.
- It is given to us.
- I cannot give existence to anything.
- I am just asking it to happen.
- I cannot guarantee the result.
- We have to widen the scope of supplication
- Example: When I speak, I am just asking the Creator to create the speech for me. I am using my given human faculties.
- In reality, I am asking the One who creates to create the result for me. This is supplication.
- Nature of my choice is nothing but supplication.
- Can we be in the state of supplication throughout our lives?
- Theoretically, we can be in a state of supplication 24/7.
- When we use our freewill, we can turn it into a supplication.
- However, when we do not use our consciousness to exercise our freewill, we lose the benefit of being constantly in a state of prayer.
- In order to be in a state of prayer, I have to implement the following awareness within myself:
- When I practice my freewill, I am asking someone else to create it for me.
- I am helpless in creating.
- I am given the ability to choose the awareness that I am not creating but just supplicating: That is the essence of uboodiya (worship).
- When you understand that this universe has a Creator who is Absolute and not of the nature of this universe, that is the awareness needed for supplication.
- If we neglect it, we lose our connection with the Creator.
- Foundation of worship is the awareness of my existence.
- Contemplation is also a form of supplication.
- Our desires are given to us as well. Are we aware of that?
- Example: When I am indecisive in choosing between object A and object B and if I am aware that this situation is given to me from my Creator, this reflection is a form of supplication.
- Our feelings, intentions… and everything that is given to us may be used as a means of supplication and we may or may not be utilizing it.
- The consequences of events that I experience as a result of my choice are another stage of reflection: it is a communication between me and my Creator.
- Example: Should I eat an apple or an orange?
- Getting an orange or apple is not important.
- The consciousness is important: whatever happens is created for you.
- What is my reality in this universe?
- To acknowledge the source of my existence by exercising my freewill and introducing my human qualities to their original Source i.e. God.
- In order to get object A, you have to refer your existence to Him because only He can guarantee object A for you.
- Nothing in this universe is guaranteed but being in the presence of our Creator is always guaranteed.
- My existence belongs to this Absolute One.
- With this type of awareness, you will never feel lonely, you will never despair and you transform your life in the presence of the Absolute Creator i.e. Paradise.
- When I realize that everything belongs to my Creator, I feel relaxed. Most of the time I think that I am the one who is going to create the result. Thus, I take on the burden of creating, which I cannot guarantee. That is the source of despair for any human being. We all are well aware that at the end of the day I cannot guarantee my existence, let alone my objectives.
- We cannot isolate human faculties from one another.
- Our mind, heart, spirit…all work together; we cannot separate them.
- Example: Mind works with my emotion. My emotions work with my soul.
- I need to be responsible for my practice of freewill and its nature: it may either bring me Paradise or Hell.
- If we don’t attribute our existence to an Absolute Creator, everything becomes meaningless i.e. Hell.
- If someone acknowledges that his source of existence is an Absolute Being, he can “never experience despair” i.e. Paradise.
- As a human being in this type of existence, I feel that I am unique.
- In my existence, I am unique because I can understand my Creator with all His qualities.
- I am conscious of my existence, the existence of the universe and the existence of the One Who Gave Existence to the universe.
- The awareness of existence is the missing elements in most religious communities.
- Rather than imitating the text, we have to confirm the text by using our own experience.
- Quran cannot be imitated but confirmed only.
- We are in our current existence to understand that ultimately, my existence belongs to the Absolute Creator.
- Without confirming the reality of this existence, we cannot talk about the existence of an eternal life.
- Realizing that only He can give existence to an eternal life is your Paradise here.
- We cannot separate our existence in this universe from our eternal existence.
- Can the Creator of this universe give existence to another type of creation? Yes.
- Our belief in the existence of eternal life needs to be confirmed while I am here.
- If I can get the certainty that I belong to my Creator, which is the seed of Paradise.
- While we are exercising our freewill, we are acknowledging His Creatorship.
- How can I confirm the existence of eternal life after confirming my existence here?
- I know as a human being: My component parts cannot be the source of my existence since they themselves need to be given existence. Therefore, I belong to the Absolute One.
- Minallahi, ilallahi, lillahi: from God and for God.
- If I relate my existence to an Absolute One, it means that I am bound for Eternal happiness.
- This consciousness follows my understanding of the nature of the choice i.e. I am asking the Creator to give me this result.
- Example: I experience pleasure while eating an orange.
- Is there any way to turn the feeling of pleasure into eternity?
- Yes. Become aware that the One who provided the orange, the pleasure and all the desire for eternity is from Him, He will take care of it.
- Through exercising this pleasure of eating the orange, you are becoming aware of this Creator because He is satisfying your need.
- When I do not connect with the Absolute Creator, I am losing connection with eternity, the source of happiness for me, so I ask for forgiveness.
- When you misuse your freewill, realizing that requires consciousness as well.
- Hadith: If someone eats and forgets to say bismillah consciously, the Prophet recommends saying it “In the Name of God from the beginning to the end.” This implies that: when you acknowledge that you made a mistake, it is good because it is a step for your repentance. As soon as you say, “In the Name of God,” Satan vomits.
- What is taking shahada? When you realize that which is the truth and you acknowledge that your previous worldview was wrong. You become like a newly born.
- Seeking of forgiveness is a sign that you were not aware.
- As a result, all your previous wrong acts get obliterated.
- That is what human pendulum is about: we go from a state of consciousness of the Absolute Source (supplication) to acknowledging our state of unconsciousness (repentance)
- Human freewill is either aware of supplication or must be repenting.
- You are either conscious or not conscious.
- In the Quran, the doors of Paradise are described as ever open and door of hell is closed.
- Mufattah=doors of paradise are always open. Anyone can get in.
- Maftooh= doors of hell are closed; only when you want to get in they are opened for you. You voluntarily go in.
- This means that human consciousness is always available.
- The Quran describes paradise and hell so that I make an effort to be conscious.
- Whatever is good is innate in us. Whatever is bad is a given option to us.
- We have to train ourselves to choose the right option always.
- “Good” is tuned in with our internal existence. “Evil” is external which we acquire by not choosing the good.
- We have to encourage ourselves to be consistent in our awareness of the Creator.
- The consequences of a “bad” choice which we make are a message for us from our Creator.
- Analogy: I cannot ask my mother to kill the neighbor’s cat; I will feel shy asking her.
- Similarly, if you establish this consciousness with the Creator, you feel shy asking God to create for you something, which He says not to do.
- When you say I am giving up my freewill, it is still the exercise of your freewill.
“Just as supplication and reliance on God greatly strengthen the inclination to do good, so repentance and the seeking of forgiveness cut the inclination to do evil, putting an end to its transgressions.”
- As we become aware of our Creator, we attach ourselves to Him. When we forget about our reality, we repent.
- When I repent and seek forgiveness, I keep reminding myself that I made a mistake and that I belong to the Creator. This reminder is awareness where I realize that: I cannot create anything.
- As a human being, our freewill swings between supplication and repentance.
- Being aware of our existence is the foundation of our religion and our world view.
- Reality Check: How many minutes am I aware of my existence throughout my day?
- After becoming aware of your existence, then you can question your existence.
- We are living in an ocean of existence and we may not even notice that things exist.
Tags: Destiny, Divine Determining Series, Freewill, Nature, Qadar