By November 18, 2019 Read More →

Chapter Hashr – Part 5

“It is God save whom there is no deity other than Him,
-the Sovereign, the Holy One, Source of Peace, Granter of Security, Guardian over all, the Almighty, the Compeller, the Supreme;”
Glory be to God, who is far above what they associate with Him.  God is far above anything they consider to be His partner.”  59:23

What is Granter of Security?

Everything is under control.  We cannot guard/protect anything.  I have no power over my existence i.e. I cannot do anything over what exist.  I cannot give existence to anything I want.  I just choose from options presented to me.

I may think that I am contributing something to creation.  Am I really creating or am I just following the steps for anything to be created?  Can I change the order of the universe?  No.  I can only choose.  Choosing a new combination of an order does not make me a creator (when we use the expressing of “a creative person”).

Example: An iPhone is a creative act of creation.  The developer of the iphone is not a creator of it or has given existence to the creative act.  The developer just follows or discovered the order and chooses to give the order into another combination that the order allows to choose. In any case the person only chooses from among what s/he has discovered from the order of the universe. The order of the universe is nothing but the way the Source of Existence (SOE) has performed in His creative action in a certain way.

  • “Whatever I do is nothing but obeying the order of the universe which points to the Will of its Creator.”

Obeying the will of the Creator= Worship.

  • If I am aware of what I do in this world, then every action is nothing but worship.
  • We can turn all aspects of our lives into worship.

6 Dimensions of my experiences of my existence in this universe:

  1. Physical universe (Existence)
  • There is no time in existence since every moment is fleeting.
  • I experience constant transience here since there is no eternity.
  • My existence is not fixed because of transience.
  1. Meaningful universe (Transmitters/Angels)
  • Constant creation conveys meaning.
  • I cannot demonstrate the physical form of meaning, but I am sure of its existence.
  • How do I explain existence of meaning?
  1. Meaning is preserved (Universal speech)
  • Meaning gives reference that it does not come from the universe (physicality).
  • Where is meaning coming from? There must be a Source of Existence of meaning that I can extract from the physical existence of the universe.
  • Source of Existence of the world is communicating with me through the speech.
  • The Creator is the One Who created me with the ability to speak.
  • That means that the SOE of the universe speaks.
  1. Meaning is exemplified (Human Form/Prophets)
  • Communication with Source of Existence via a conveyor.
  • This conveyor is the one who is employed by the Creator to convert the message into human language.
  • Acting according to the guidance of the Speech of Creator in order to be an exemplary teacher.
  1. Hereafter (Life after death/Resurrection)
  • Transient existence refers to a Permanent Existence.
  • Universe has meaning but necessitates a Permanent act of creation.
  • I observe the examples of resurrection in the universe. Following these examples in the nature of beings that they die, and their existence is constantly renewed in another form. That tells me that the Creator is able to recreate anything He wills.
  • Also, my human feelings extend into eternity and I see that the capacity of my humanity as a being is never satisfied in this type of creation. These are a few evidences that I am witnessing. (Belief without evidence is knowledge.)
  1. Divine Determining (Existence Happening at once)
  • Combines all 1 to 5 (as above)
  • Everything happens according to His Will/decision/Guardianship.
  • I am reflecting my need for an Eternal Life in my existence (feelings, consciousness…) continuously here.

We observe the reflected side of existence here.  Example: Sun reflects light on a mirror. Is the mirror the Source of light?  No.  Similarly, is the universe meaningful by itself?  No.  The meaningful aspect is  reflected by something, whose qualities are reflected in the act of creation of this universe.

What is God?

It is a term used to refer to something not of the nature of this universe.  Example: Who is Bob?  Bob is an architect.  Where is Bob born?  Bob is born in the Philippines.  What is Bob’s favorite activity?  And the questions can go on about Bob.  Similarly, Allah/Yahweh/Dieux/God must be a Conscious Being/Individual Being which is Absolute (i.e. not of the nature of this universe,) and the SOE of the universe.





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