Arguments for Resurrection – Part 21
Seedbed of Light (continuation page 59)
- “The Owner of this world is the All-Preserving.
“People have not been left to do whatever they want. Rather, their words and acts are recorded, and their consequences are preserved for a final reckoning.”
The All-Preserving: Everything is preserved, nothing is totally forgotten. One example is human memory, which makes us realize that things are not going into annihilation. The Owner of this world is preserving everything, how is that related to my practical life? The text says that words and acts are recorded?
What makes words and acts worthy of being recording?
Analogy: When the director of a film is recording a scene, s/he expects the actor to express certain feelings in their actions. The action itself is not important, what it reflects is important. The trained actor displays his feelings in the act (pertains to our worldly affairs in this world). No one can say that I can act as well for one has to train in the acting because you have to reflect meanings in your act. Words and acts are important not because of the action itself which includes word and acts rather the meaning that the words and act transfers to us. That is recorded. Recording the action and word is nothing. Meaning included in this action makes it worth being recorded.
- Word + Act = Action
- Meaning of the action is recorded.
Comment: When I observe creation, it manifests certain qualities, just as we discussed the term “spoken word” in reference to a flower during last week’s class. At the same time, when I am performing the action, I have to make it meaningful for myself. That is, why am I doing what I am doing?
The problem does not lie in the fact that people do not reflect their meanings in their actions, rather the problem lies in misunderstanding that the action alone is being recorded. We have to bear in mind that actions are important because of the meaning they carry, not the action itself. Example: I may utter lailaha illallah (nothing has the power to give existence to anything; there must be a Source giving existence to everything), the words are important because of the meaning I carry with these words. That is why they are worth being recorded. If the actor in the analogy we used above is expected to run and he runs without expressing why he is running, then his act of running means nothing, unless it transfers meaning. Therefore, artist means the one who reflects meaning in his actions.
What makes an action valuable?
What human beings usually do is concentrate on the acts or words they use, rather than the meaning the act and/or words carry. As far as human actions are concerned, meaning of the acts and/or words is the consciousness of the meaning carried by the action. Let’s say someone says that I helped the needy. Ok, that action in and of itself means nothing. What is important is which kind of meaning you have carried through this action. That is what makes the action to be recorded or preserved. Otherwise, if the actor does not project the meaning in his action that is filmed, the director directs the actor to do it again until in the action, the meaning of the action is reflected in the over-all persona (face expression and behavior) of the actor. Otherwise the acts or scenes are deleted. How many times the director directs for a scene to be repeated? Until the real meaning in the action is represented or displayed.
Comment: Would it be fair to say that actions in and of themselves are useless because they are transient, they come and go but the meaning behind them stays with us. Just as when I watch a movie, the meaning stays with me.
- If the actions itself does not carry any meaning (consciousness), then it is not worth being recorded.
Comment: Every act of creation delivers a word and since the universe the is dynamic, we can see that there is speech happening in the universe. Recordings are referring to the qualities that are displayed. Because of my cultural baggage, I think that “my words and actions” are referring to being accountable for what I do. Really, my words and acts are meaningless when they are not connected to the qualities or meaning manifested in the universe.
If uttering certain “sacred words” does not carry meaning, what is the point in recording it? At the end, it becomes automatic. First, you need to study the axiom in order to solve the problem. It may take a while to understand and apply the formula. As you grasp the meaning of how to apply the formula with exercises at the very end it becomes automatic. If it is not the result of previous understanding of the meaning engrained in the words, then just repeating means they are not worth being preserved because they have no consequences.
- Without any meaning recorded in the action or the conscious awareness recorded in it, the action itself is nothing.
Comment: Quran teaches us that despite all your actions of heedlessness, they can be transformed into good deeds, only if we arrive at this consciousness which proves that the actions in and of themselves have no value but connecting it to meaning will transform everything.
Transform everything into the quality of the meaning, in other words what does the meaning refer to. The meaning in the action is always connected to Source of existence i.e. its Maker. When it is connected to its Maker, it becomes meaningful and Eternal, not transient anymore because connection is done to the Eternal One. If a meaning which does not connect the actor of the action to an Eternal One, it will belong to this world and this world is transient and a transient action is not worth being recorded.
Comment: Are the meaningless actions still being recorded?
It is recorded as “void”, meaningless. That is why the black spots appear in our lives. We have a combination of black and white spots. The white spot represents the connection with Eternal Source whereas black spot is connecting to the transient world. Example: Just helping someone for the sake of doing a deed which you heard that it is good to do, is transient and since the action is not connected to the Eternal One, it becomes void. In other words, time passed and creation passed and you did not get any value out of these actions i.e. they have not been recorded.
- MeaningfulEternal
Comment: It is human to have black spots and the purpose of their existence is to utilize them as a means to connect back to them and making it meaningful by connecting it to their Source and making it Eternal. Only then is it worth to be recorded and making the action valuable. Is that how we live?
That is why we have a gray slate mixed with black and white spots.
Comment: When we say “consequences of actions”, we are referring to all actions including heedless and conscious actions each of which have consequences.
They are recorded but some of them are recorded as “void” or meaningless, in other words, for example, “for the benefit of humanity.” Think about it! Every human being is transient and going away. It is very human that when they to do something, they want to have purpose in their actions. Doing purposeless actions makes the man look stupid. People require a purpose is a very human attitude. If we do not connect our actions through consciousness to the Eternal Source, then we replace it with something more elevated. Example: Why are you going there? If you say for nothing, then people think you are stupid as you have no purpose, whereas, if you say that I am going there to buy groceries, then that makes it more acceptable to human nature because it has a purpose. In the actions, if the actions are related to something apparently not really mundane and selfish, that is also very appealing to human nature. Example: Why do you help your father who is ill? No one says that I help him for my own benefits because if he lives longer, he will give me more money. Instead, we say that to help another person is better, we have to help humanity. Now, this elevates the status of the action and it seems not selfish, but altruist: “Look I am concerned with other people i.e. I take care of the needy ones”.
- Human beings feel some sort of security in having a sacred purpose in their actions.
What we understand is that acts and words are preserved for their consequences but the consequences are preserved by whom? By the One who has created this world. The way the universe is manifesting to us is that it is prepared by an Absolute Being. It is the work of an Absolute Being. The purpose in the existence of this world is to recognize the Absolute Being. So that human beings are expected to be aware of the connection between their actions and the meaning of this action is related to the Absolute Being, the Creator. Then the purpose of existence will be fulfilled otherwise it will not be fulfilled and it will remain void i.e. meaningless.
As religion became ceremonial and institutionalized, it got exploited by people who make money out of it. When religion became a professional job, people used it to get wage. Since human beings cannot be satisfied with such institutions as far as their belief system is concerned and as a result of which when religion gradually faded away from its purpose, it became a way of making money for certain class of people which are called “religious clergies”. Example: If I need to repair the door and someone says that I can do it. I pay him some money and get it done. Here, I am not expecting to satisfy my human qualities. Religion means something to do with someone’s understanding of the meaning of existence in this world. If I go to a house of worship (temple, synagogue, mosque…) and if I give them money or support them financially for their providing a shelter for you to do some actions without teaching you how to connect your existence to its Source, then it is similar to paying a worker for doing his work.
- What is expected of religion?
- Religion is the satisfaction of the human consciousness.
When the religion in the West failed to satisfy the human consciousness because they did not have a satisfactory answer in their religious understandings/institutions, people were disappointed and they denied the institutionalized religion. They are right! As the author of this book keeps saying in the non-Muslim society, the more people alienate themselves from religion, they become more open to the truth. But among the students of the Quran, it works in the adverse direction: That is, when you become loose in your understanding of the Quranic teachings, you lose the point in the purpose of existence. But when you lose your trust in some of today’s Christian theology, you consciously reject the wrong thing and become ready to receive the right thing. But if someone rejects the truth, what is expected from this person? That is why the author says that I am happy that Europe is running away from religion. It means they become open to receiving the truth now because they are consciously rejecting the false. We have to be careful, when people reject religion in the Muslim society, they do not reject the Quran as a result of their serious study of the Qur’an, but they reject Islam because they do not know the Quran. They reject the false and wrongly represented practice of Islam. That is correct and you can speak to them! Wrongly and badly representation of Islam in the practice of Muslims is a widespread phenomenon. It means outward form of religion is preserved, not what the Quran teaches you. If the outwards form is preserved, what can you tell this man? This is the truth, I have got the truth, I do not need anything anymore. This is such a helpless case! In any society regardless of Muslim or non-Muslim, what needs focus is the following:
- what are you confirming?
- what are you approving?
- what are you rejecting?
In the Muslim society, those people who reject the misrepresented religion in the name of Islam are open to the truth more than those people who preserve the misrepresented religion. The cultural understanding of the Qur’an does not really match the teachings of the Qur’an.
Where did the idea of “humanitarianism” come into play in human civilizations? We are still under the influence of “humanitarianism” in replacement of the truth.
Comment: How did religion end up becoming a way of making money?
If you belong to a certain tribe (for example, in a particular religious tradition, mostly “Levy” as known historically), you have to take care of the house of worship and the other tribes pay you for that. They are assigned to study religion and take care of the house of worship, the Temple.
Comment: Do we need such kind of roles in the society?
No, that is wrong and that is the source of disease for the last few couple of centuries. People got lost.
Comment: Are these religious leaders self-appointed?
In a way, yes and when people claim that they know something (e.g. I am the priest, I am the imam or rabbi), you have to ask me, and they get paid for that.
Comment: Who pays them?
The community pays them because people have accepted them for taking over their responsibility. People do not take their own responsibility, what they do is employ someone else to do the job instead of themselves taking up the responsibility to understand what religion teaches them.
Comment: In other words, people are paying someone else to tell them what to believe? That is so sad!
Where do you think institutions get money from? The people are paying them, not the Government. No one can make you understand an idea which human consciousness needs, through payment. You have to share it! That is why the Quran keeps saying that the Prophets are not expecting any wage from anyone. “We do not expect any wage from anyone; our wage is only from God.” (For example see 34: 47) That is why the Prophets’ type does not accept any payment, any wage and charity (sadaqa). One exception is a gift. Example: you bring a brownie here and we can share it as a human relation. If the gift was a wage, then it becomes bribe.
When religion was institutionalized, people became unhappy with it. They rejected religion. Do you think that when a human being rejects religion, does s/he say that I am leaving it on my own to satisfy myself? No, that is not human! Human beings want to have higher objectives for their lives. Example: Ask a mother who does everything for the child, why do you do that? She will never say for my own satisfaction, no one says that. Instead, she will inevitably say that she does everything for the benefit of the baby, it is a trust to me (they put lots of names on it such as parenthood is a humanitarian action as it gives a purpose to their being).
- Satisfaction of human consciousness is religion!
In history, what happened is that when action in the name of God died away, people replaced the “in the name of God” action with “ in the name of humanity” or benefitting the humanity for the next generation. It means that I am not selfish rather “altruistic” because I am thinking of the next generation. What does it have to do with the next generation? I will die and they will die. Total meaningless! This does not mean that we should not help others, rather we should and do it all in the name of the Creator to recognize it. That is why we are focusing on the nature of the acts and words which makes them deserving to be preserved. Going back to the actor analogy on page 1, if the actor acts in a way that does not reflect or display meaning in his actions then the director does not accept it or does not want to preserve it until the actor acts in a way that displays the meaning in his action, then it is preserved. Let us come to ourselves now:
What makes my action worthy to be preserved?
When it’s attached to the purpose of the creation of this universe. The purpose of existence of this creation is to get to know its Creator and connect your human feelings to its Source and act in its name.
Humanitarianism is a tricky word accepted by the prevalent society now. It looks as if it gives a purpose to your life right now to help other human beings i.e. validating your actions. In fact, your actions can only gain value when it is related to its Absolute Infinite Source. Whatever you do, that connection with the Absolute Source is important. In the language of the Quran, “Do it in the Name of God”, which is Bismillah but it needs “consciousness” of course.
Question: What does “final reckoning” entail?
For a purpose, you are not left alone here to use the properties given to you, there must be a reason. Traditionally, it is referred to the “hereafter”. Practically, what we know is that when you go to school to be trained in a certain profession, you go to class and every class you learn something and all of them is preserved for the final reckoning. What does it mean? The result of your exam and the degree you have in your profession. There must be a purpose in the recordings of our actions in this world. Apparently it seems that we are going to die and when you look at the material side of the event, it becomes nothing and so it is not the purpose. None of the human consciousness accepts this.
Comment: Consequences are the result of an action. Depending on how I perceive each action happening, each action has a consequence at every moment. Due to traditional baggage, some are so used to thinking of final reckoning on a final day or judgment day sometimes away from now. However, we are interpreting these consequences being preserved for a final reckoning at the end of each moment.
Each moment for you, yes. Example: If you learn something by attending one class, it is with you. As far as your life is concerned right now, it is final reckoning for you i.e. you learned it or missed it. Let’s say you learned it, it is with you now. Your quality in that profession went one degree up. That is what you are as far as the life in this world is concerned. But as far as your existence is concerned, final reckoning is the result of your whole life. Example you will be an electrical engineer as a result of all your accumulated qualities of your learnings during the classes, the education time in this world. We are being educated here.
Comment: So the final purpose is not the end purpose but rather the complete purpose. Example: if you are not studying throughout the year and at the end you do not perform well, you are not only not fulfilling the purpose of passing that exam but failed the purpose of sitting in those classes. It’s the whole experience that would become meaningless not just the end result of it.
- Getting the degree is the final reckoning.
Comment: But at the same time if you fail that exam, you are given more opportunities to update yourself. Let’s say you do study and pass the exam, the final reckoning will be based on that passing of the exam.
If you do not pay attention to the class and do not learn anything, consequently you do not pass the exam, what happens? Your attending the class will have no result and you will not get the degree.
Comment: As far as my being in this type of existence is concerned, I am given more opportunities to attend the class and eventually get a degree.
You get a degree only if you learn. That is, if you do not learn it, the action of going to class and not paying attention to the Professor does not make you deserve the degree.
If one understands from “day of reckoning” only it will take place after they die, they are concerned with the graduation ceremony more than what their responsibility is right now while the classes are held during their life time.
Comment: It seems that we are talking about two types of reckoning. Getting the degree is the final reckoning but momentarily thinking about it, the final reckoning is recorded in your existence as well. When you learn something, it is with you.
As far as our purpose in this existence is concerned, whatever we do consciously, it is with us and adds to the consciousness of our Creator in this world if I do it in the expected (positive) way, so it adds to my value. But at the end because of the fact that everyone dies, the nature of this universe says that there is a graduation date. When your graduation date comes, all your previously accumulated information and learning will be weighed and you will be given the degree accordingly. That is another final reckoning, in terms of the whole human life is concerned.
- Daily experiences yes but in terms of the whole life experience on Earth is concerned, the degree is important i.e. at the end what you have done.
Comment: I understand that part but it seems not like good news that everything is taken into account with all the accumulated moments here where obviously you have some void and black spots.
You should not forget that there are always make up exams. When you realize that you should have learned it but you did not, then you are given the make-up exam. It means asking for forgiveness and replacing it.
- If someone asks for forgiveness, it automatically replaces the void.
The purpose of living in this world is acknowledging the Source of existence of your human feelings and connecting your human feelings to their Source. That is the purpose. Sometimes, we may not have done it and later realize that I should have done it, the action itself is a vehicle or means to transfer this meaning. If previous actions did not have this meaning or connection and now when you realize that you have missed the opportunity and desired or prefer to replace it with a right form of action or right way of doing the action, i.e. connecting to the Creator, when you realize that, it means that was the purpose of the action. That is why asking for forgiveness is essential as a part of your belief system.
- Action is not essential as part of your belief system.
Are actions a part of belief? This is a typical traditional question.
What is a part of belief is the consciousness engrained in the action. When you revive the consciousness by repentance, action itself is not a part of belief, but the consciousness is.
- Recognition of meaning of this action is a part of belief and it is revived and reinforced (or brought into purpose).
That is why theology concludes that asking for forgiveness is a part of belief; action is not part of belief. There is a fine distinction between action and the meaning within the action. The meaning within the action is part of belief. We have to be careful when we say that I am fine I am doing actions. Action, in and of itself has nothing to do with belief.
- Action is a vehicle that carries meaning of belief.
However, if you do not do the action, you have no vehicle to carry the meaning. We are created in this world as a soul in the body and they communicate and perform actions together. Hence, action must be done consciously. The actions which are not done consciously have no value. Similarly, only practicing consciousness without executing it with action is also rejecting the reality of this kind of creation on earth. It means that it does not become appropriate to the type of creation we are experiencing in this world. What you do is that you claim to be a “spiritual man” i.e. reject your human body or the conditions of this world.
- If you reject action, that means you claim to be soul without body, which contradicts the reality of this type of existence on earth.
- Consciousness leading to action and engrained within the action is belief.
We are here with our human side which is our soul and our soul is using our body to communicate with the universe so through this communication we fulfill the purpose of our existence.
Unconscious actions are worthless just as consciousness without execution in action form is negligence of the reality of this kind of creation. They both must be united because we are united in this world as body and soul. Also, human side and the universe are united. Can you cut off your relationship with the material world? No. Can you sustain your existence without eating, drinking…and sitting on the earth for example? No. You cannot be a spirit alone; you have to put your consciousness into practice with the material side.
Comment: So when I am asking for forgiveness, it is not for the action but for the lack of consciousness.
It may be represented by lack of action as well because if there is no action, there is not consciousness performed. People may reduce forgiveness to action only because actions are more palpable, real and experiential. Yes, talking about action is good but it should not be at the expense of ignoring the meaning in it. Example: in a traditional setting, people differentiate between someone who prays five times a day and someone who prays one time a day. The important point is to realize the meaning that these actions refer to. Action (body) and meaning (soul) must be united.
Comment: Since I am spirit and body functioning together for me to communicate with material in the universe, I am not only materially to communicate with it but also consciously doing it. When it comes to the physical act of the prayer, I am communicating with the One that is not of the nature of this universe. So why is the body performance necessary?
To confirm the meaning because we communicate with in union with body and soul. Without consciousness, words mean nothing.
Comment: Let me repeat my question. When I am eating food, it is a necessary action to connect with the food. But when I am connecting with the Creator that is not a material thing. For that connection, why is the physical body necessary?
Looks like you are questioning the other side of the subject. Since I acknowledge the Creator of the food, why should I eat the food?
Comment: It is necessary for my body to connect with another material thing. The immaterial side of the food which is the meaning recorded in it and connecting it consciously to the Source. When it comes to the act of prayer, because there is no physical necessity, how can I be sure that I need to practice?
Example: you are happy but you cannot express your happiness like a robot. That is against your nature, the way you are created. There is a connection between body and human side. Body and spirit work together. When you say that I am happy with you God, I respect you and I adore you but you have to express it physically as well because you are not a word and consciousness only. In this type of creation, that is how we are made and it becomes necessary. But another type of creation, we do not know it yet, the conditions will be changed. At the moment, if I am happy with somebody, I have to put it into words and my face expression must reflect my happiness. If someone has a sour face, it means that he is not happy with the case.
Comment: Can we also say that according to the way I am made, my human feelings require a physical way of connecting with that feeling? When I feel something according to the way that I am made, my body requires a way to express that. So when I see someone that I care about for example, I need to give him a hug that is automatic. Since this universe is dynamic, everything is being renewed, physical prayers offer me an opportunity to root me emotionally into that relationship which otherwise is unphysical and theoretical. It’s like a pillar which gives you a structure.
Comment: It’s the need to expressing whatever you experienced or concluded in physical form because we live and we communicate in this physical world physically with objects. And with that communication, we connect our humanity with the Source of its Existence. Through the physical connection, you get to connect with something which is not of the nature of this universe. If we go to a concert or if a famous singer would walk in here, we automatically express ourselves in physical form (with hand gestures) with excitement. But because the Source of Existence is not of the nature of this universe, but you concluded throughout your interaction with the universe that such a Source must exist, that is the One that is giving me existence, that is the One that is giving me the enjoyment by eating the brownie, so that is how I want to say thank you!
Everything is created here in a tidy way and everything is created clean. My Creator is performing his qualities as “the tidy Creator”. Did you acknowledge it? Yes. After acknowledging that, you also have to put it into practice physically by cleaning your room or yourself for example.
Lately, people started questioning the value of bodily expressions as a reaction to common practice of believers who reduce religious practice to only bodily function (not consciousness) and turning it into ceremonies. What are you going to do with actions by performing something physically? Your consciousness is important they say. They see certain people doing actions (giving charity…) and see that their actions have no human values and consciousness. As a result, they reject the value of actions and reduced themselves to “spiritual being” as mentioned earlier or only “purifying the heart” is important. If one pays close attention, none of this matches our human nature as far as this type of creation is concerned.
This type of creation says that you have to be conscious of what you are doing. Consciousness and action cannot be separated as your soul cannot be separated from the body as long as you are created in this type of creation. You cannot be only body and only spirit. That is the reality of our creation.
Comment: Consciousness is the foundation that is necessary in order to fill any action otherwise the action has no value. Because we are body and soul at the same time, once there is some sort of seed or bud of consciousness there, the bodily expression does affect the consciousness. Example, the experience of fasting does have an effect on consciousness, some sort of interconnected thing. The same with the bodily positions of prayers, they are iterated in yoga as well, the body positions do affect our feelings and the way we are made, it’s kind of like a circle that both body and consciousness are interconnected with each other. What I am saying is that the physical action of the prayer can also have an effect on my feeling to remind the feeling of consciousness.
The subject has changed now with the use of the word “effect”, whether they affect each other or not is another topic. What we need to get into is our reality right now:
- Our reality in this type of existence requires uniting the soul with the body.
- Our consciousness must be represented in the form of physical bodily expressions and our bodily expression must have this consciousness within them. They must be together we cannot separate!
“The Maker’s autumnal destruction of spring’s beautiful things means their discharge from their duties and makes room for new things to fulfill their duties.”
We are observing the spring and the fall. One of them is the example of life and the other one is the example of giving death. Both are acts of creation. This means their discharge from their duties makes room for new things to fulfill their duties. Two duties are mentioned here:
- Discharged.
- Replaced. These are changing every moment and yet manifesting in another form.
What do you understand form this? Why somethings need to be discharged in order for new things to be replaced?
Comment: Because the transient nature of this universe is such that nothing is static and permanent here, everything is in continuous motion, change and transformation and it becomes obvious that things are given a certain life-span here. Example: you observe a flower blossoming and after a while it withers away. A new season comes and another flower blossoms, it’s not the same one, that one is gone and it has been replaced. It just tells you that we are living in a guest house.
This circle of creation and taking away from creation as far as our observation is concerned is a kind of training for human beings that we are being trained to do not exactly the same exercises but similar exercises, for example in Mathematics, as far as the application of the formula is concerned. You are asked to do exercises in order to understand all forms of applications of the formula, that is why you are given multiple exercises to do. Every time you do not do the same exercise, it is similar but from a different perspective.
Comment: The end goal is the same but the problem has changed in terms of its context.
No. The practice/aspect/event has changed. The end goal is the same which is acknowledging the Source. Because the Source is Absolute, I cannot say that I acknowledged the Source as to be the Absolute and finished, I am done. The manifestation of the Absolute is endless. We have to experience the different levels of manifestations in order to get to know the Absolute Source better to introduce it to our human spirit or soul so the soul will get to know its Owner with full capacity as much as possible. But if we do not do different exercises, we do not learn the applications of the formula in its fullest sense. Example: I understand that Person X is generous but I do not know where this man displays generosity. So I have to see His Generosity in various aspects/events so that I will get really close to this person. In other words, when I say this Person X is Generous, it means He is Generous in feeding the people, in accommodating the people, in treating the people well… These are different aspects of Generosity that are experienced. One manifestation of the absolute quality of the Creator is displayed today in one way, tomorrow in a slightly different way and so on. As far as my capacity is concerned as I am now, one manifestation of one aspect must teach me something and go and another one must replace it but in a different form, hence a different practice/event.
- That is why I have to be always conscious of what I am doing and what is happening around me?
Comment: In this regard it seems that in this transient universe, the qualities are reflected on objects temporarily but once you are able to connect to the Source, you know that these qualities are infinite because I can be observing compassion in the brownie and later in water… Again, I am experiencing compassion in a different form which makes me realize: “wait a minute, I am experiencing Compassion but in a different form on transient things and so the Source is Infinite.”
As a human being, you can communicate with the Creator of this world as being the Compassionate One in endless different types of manifestations. Then, you understand and make sure for yourself that the One who is Compassionate is Compassionate in endless forms.
- That is, you cannot say that He is Compassionate in giving air to me but not money. Human needs are open and limitless and manifestation of the qualities of the Absolute One is also endless.
What we need to do is go through continuous renewed exercises which is not exactly the same. That is why everything is created in a changing form and that is why creation is not static. What is happening in the universe is 100% compatible to human nature. We need new exercises, new acknowledgment of the Absolute Source and in order to reach to the conclusion that the Source of existence is Absolute, we have to see endless different manifestations of various qualities because Absolute has endless qualities. How do I know? Because the Absolute keeps repeating or demonstrating itself in yet another different form (or quality) and doing it at the same time and you conclude that It must really be Absolute. That is why this creation is dynamic. I do not have a limited capacity to understand the manifestation as I learn the Source to be Absolute and Eternal, I need to enlarge my understanding of Absolute through experiences in this creation. The world is created in such a way that it gives me the opportunity to experience the manifestations of the same qualities in different forms. I need to repeat my experience (not exactly the same) but to expand it.
- The universe is created in a way to satisfy my need exactly as I need it.
- Everything is perfectly compatible in the universe according to human responsibilities or human communications are concerned.
Comment: Through my initial observation of the beautiful flower in the Spring, I can negate the attribution of life and beauty to those flowers by observing their transience, hence their first duty being displaying their transience and then afterwards recognize that since they are not the owners of their qualities, that I can connect their Source to the Absolute which would be a manifestation of a second form of their duty for them.
Yes but does it help me to grasp more and more of the capacity of the Absolute? Because renovation is not exactly the same. Nothing is exactly repeated in the universe. It really feeds my need to understand not entirely that the Source must be Absolute, changing every moment but yet manifesting to me in yet another form, slightly different.
- There is no end in the records being displayed and I conclude that the Source must be Absolute.
“It is also a warning for the heedless that the Maker of this world is the All-Knowing and Eternal, Who drives and urges His servants to Him, and Who has prepared for them things beyond their imagination.”
The transient nature of the things points to the reality that the Source is not transient because qualities are repeated but in a different form. The things cannot be their own Source of Existence because they are in their nature transient. They cannot be the Source of their own existence because they disappear. But for the heedless one who do not think of the Source of existence of things through observation, the dynamic nature of this universe is a call for him to realize that things cannot be the Source of their own Existence. Example: A person is getting old and he cannot preserve his youth but he continues to exist not exactly the same way, although he is given the desire for it. For such heedless person, the dynamic creation is a call to look for the Source of Existence of himself and the universe.
Tags: Al-Mathnawi Al-Nuri, Human Reality, Memory, Permanence, Resurrection Series, Transience