Tag: Community

The Story of Abraham in the Quran – part 4
Continuing with the story of Abraham in the Quran, we will see how Abraham symbolizes a model of living: إِنَّ إِبْرَٰهِيمَ كَانَ أُمَّةًۭ قَانِتًۭا لِّلَّهِ حَنِيفًۭا وَلَمْ يَكُ مِنَ ٱلْمُشْرِكِينَ 16:120 Truly Abraham was equal to a community in himself; he was devoted to Obeying God. He turned from all that is wrong, and he […]

Prayer – Part 13
(The Words, page 56, second paragraph) “At the time of Isha, at nightfall, the last traces of the day remaining on the horizon disappear, and the world of night enfolds the universe. As the All-Powerful and Glorious One, The Changer of Night and Day, turns the white page of day into the black page of […]

Prayer – Part 12
When we read to understand the scripture, it should resonate with our being. In order to strengthen one’s belief, the conscious being needs to free himself from cultural and societal influences. Everyone should be free to accept or reject the message based on their being “free individuals”. The Words, Ninth Word, Fifth Point (continuation): “Then […]

What is Wisdom? – Part 9
Continents are divided into countries; countries are divided into states; states are divided into groups. Regardless, what is the motif behind these divisions? It is mostly to get an authoritative status to establish power that satisfies the ego. When you feel powerful, you use it to feel secure within you and for political reasons. The […]

Is Fall a Reminder of Separation?
Community Life – A brief overview People who care about others want to share their understanding of religion with others. As a result of friendly or inimical interaction, people get involved in community life. The Prophet (pbuh) used to invite and welcome all sorts of people (including war captives or envoys) and he would entertain them […]